Binder History
MythicHub keeps track of all changes made to your binders, providing a comprehensive history log. This feature allows you to review past activities, track value changes over time, and restore deleted cards if needed.
Each binder maintains its own history log, recording all actions and changes. Here's how to access the history:
- Navigate to your binder: Open the binder you want to view history for.
- Access the history page: Click on the "Actions" button in the binder interface and select "View history".
- View change records: The history page displays all actions taken in chronological order, with the most recent actions at the top.
The binder history tracks different types of changes. Each change type represents a specific action taken within the binder:
- BINDER_CREATED: Records when a binder is first created. Includes the initial binder settings and properties.
- BINDER_UPDATED: Records changes to binder settings such as name, type, visibility, or marketplace preferences.
- BINDER_DELETED: Records when a binder is deleted. This allows for potential recovery options.
- BINDER_RESTORED: Records when a previously deleted binder is restored.
- BINDER_CARD_CREATED: Records when a new card is added to the binder. Includes all card details such as condition, finish, price, and quantity.
- BINDER_CARD_UPDATED: Records changes to an existing card's details. Shows both the previous and new values for each changed property.
- BINDER_CARD_DELETED: Records when a card is removed from the binder. Stores all card information to allow for restoration if needed.
- BINDER_CARDS_COPIED: Records when cards are copied from another binder. Shows source binder information and all copied cards.
- BINDER_CARDS_IMPORTED: Records when cards are imported from an external source (such as a CSV file or deck file). Includes summary information about successfully imported cards and any cards that couldn't be found.
- BINDER_CARDS_DELETED: Records when multiple cards are deleted at once. Often used with bulk operations.
For each history entry, you'll see:
- The date and time when the change occurred
- The type of change that was made
- Details about what was changed
- Action buttons for certain changes (like restoring a deleted card)
One of the most useful features of the binder history is the ability to restore cards that were accidentally deleted:
- Locate the deletion entry: Find the BINDER_CARD_DELETED entry for the card you want to restore.
- Click the "Restore" button: Each deletion entry includes a "Restore" button that will reopen the card addition dialog.
- Confirm the details: The dialog will be pre-filled with the deleted card's information. Review and make any needed adjustments.
- Complete the restoration: Submit the form to add the card back to your binder with all its previous details.
This restoration process preserves all the original card information, including condition, finish, and any assigned prices.
For certain change types, you can view detailed information about what was modified:
- Card Updates: For BINDER_CARD_UPDATED entries, clicking "View" shows both the previous and new values for all changed properties.
- Binder Updates: For BINDER_UPDATED entries, clicking "View" shows which binder settings were changed and their new values.
- Bulk Operations: For BINDER_CARDS_COPIED or BINDER_CARDS_IMPORTED entries, clicking "View" shows a summary of the operation and affected cards.
These detailed views help you understand exactly what changes were made and when, providing complete transparency for all binder activities.
The binder history is also integrated with the binder value trend chart:
- Change annotations: The binder trend chart is annotated with significant history events, showing when cards were added, removed, or updated.
- Color coding: Different types of changes are color-coded on the chart:
- Green indicators show when cards were added
- Red indicators show when cards were removed
- Blue indicators show when cards were updated
- Purple indicators show when multiple types of changes occurred on the same day
- Tooltip details: Hovering over points on the trend chart reveals a tooltip showing:
- The total binder value on that day
- The number of cards added, removed, or updated
- Whether the value is stored (calculated at end of day) or estimated (calculated on demand)
This integration helps you understand how specific actions affected your binder's overall value, providing context for price changes over time.