11 | Hangarback AssemblerHangarback AssemblerArtifact[YDFT] | #1 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Aaron J. RileyHangarback AssemblerHangarback AssemblerArtifact[YDFT] | #1 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Aaron J. Riley | | rarerare | ArtifactArtifact | Aaron J. Riley | ------ | ------ |
22 | Naktamun Shines AgainNaktamun Shines AgainEnchantment — Saga[YDFT] | #2 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Andrew MarNaktamun Shines AgainNaktamun Shines AgainEnchantment — Saga[YDFT] | #2 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Andrew Mar | | rarerare | Enchantment — SagaEnchantment — Saga | Andrew Mar | ------ | ------ |
33 | Turbocharged EscapeTurbocharged EscapeSorcery[YDFT] | #3 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Josiah "Jo" CameronTurbocharged EscapeTurbocharged EscapeSorcery[YDFT] | #3 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Josiah "Jo" Cameron | | rarerare | SorcerySorcery | Josiah "Jo" Cameron | ------ | ------ |
44 | Deviant SkytechDeviant SkytechEnchantment[YDFT] | #4 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Julia MetzgerDeviant SkytechDeviant SkytechEnchantment[YDFT] | #4 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Julia Metzger | | uncommonuncommon | EnchantmentEnchantment | Julia Metzger | ------ | ------ |
55 | Surge of AcclaimSurge of AcclaimInstant[YDFT] | #5 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Julian Kok Joon WenSurge of AcclaimSurge of AcclaimInstant[YDFT] | #5 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Julian Kok Joon Wen | | uncommonuncommon | InstantInstant | Julian Kok Joon Wen | ------ | ------ |
66 | Trackhand TrainerTrackhand TrainerCreature — Merfolk[YDFT] | #6 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Maxime MinardTrackhand TrainerTrackhand TrainerCreature — Merfolk[YDFT] | #6 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Maxime Minard | | rarerare | Creature — MerfolkCreature — Merfolk | Maxime Minard | ------ | ------ |
77 | Bail OutBail OutInstant[YDFT] | #7 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Daren BaderBail OutBail OutInstant[YDFT] | #7 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Daren Bader | | uncommonuncommon | InstantInstant | Daren Bader | ------ | ------ |
88 | Spectacle of DestructionSpectacle of DestructionEnchantment[YDFT] | #8 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Loïc CanavaggiaSpectacle of DestructionSpectacle of DestructionEnchantment[YDFT] | #8 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Loïc Canavaggia | | rarerare | EnchantmentEnchantment | Loïc Canavaggia | ------ | ------ |
99 | Speedbrood StalkerSpeedbrood StalkerCreature — Insect Assassin[YDFT] | #9 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Yohann SchepaczSpeedbrood StalkerSpeedbrood StalkerCreature — Insect Assassin[YDFT] | #9 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Yohann Schepacz | | mythicmythic | Creature — Insect AssassinCreature — Insect Assassin | Yohann Schepacz | ------ | ------ |
1010 | Terrors of the TrackTerrors of the TrackCreature — Dinosaur[YDFT] | #10 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---John TedrickTerrors of the TrackTerrors of the TrackCreature — Dinosaur[YDFT] | #10 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---John Tedrick | | rarerare | Creature — DinosaurCreature — Dinosaur | John Tedrick | ------ | ------ |
1111 | Unforgiving OvertakeUnforgiving OvertakeSorcery[YDFT] | #11 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Javier CharroUnforgiving OvertakeUnforgiving OvertakeSorcery[YDFT] | #11 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Javier Charro | | uncommonuncommon | SorcerySorcery | Javier Charro | ------ | ------ |
1212 | Chomping MastasaurChomping MastasaurCreature — Dinosaur[YDFT] | #12 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Borja PindadoChomping MastasaurChomping MastasaurCreature — Dinosaur[YDFT] | #12 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Borja Pindado | | rarerare | Creature — DinosaurCreature — Dinosaur | Borja Pindado | ------ | ------ |
1313 | Goblin Crash PilotGoblin Crash PilotCreature — Goblin Pilot[YDFT] | #13 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Anthony DevineGoblin Crash PilotGoblin Crash PilotCreature — Goblin Pilot[YDFT] | #13 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Anthony Devine | | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Goblin PilotCreature — Goblin Pilot | Anthony Devine | ------ | ------ |
1414 | Kari Zev, Crew of TwoKari Zev, Crew of TwoLegendary Creature — Human Pirate[YDFT] | #14 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Fariba KhamsehKari Zev, Crew of TwoKari Zev, Crew of TwoLegendary Creature — Human Pirate[YDFT] | #14 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Fariba Khamseh | | mythicmythic | Legendary Creature — Human PirateLegendary Creature — Human Pirate | Fariba Khamseh | ------ | ------ |
1515 | Motivated MuralistMotivated MuralistCreature — Dwarf Bard[YDFT] | #15 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Alexandre HonoréMotivated MuralistMotivated MuralistCreature — Dwarf Bard[YDFT] | #15 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Alexandre Honoré | | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Dwarf BardCreature — Dwarf Bard | Alexandre Honoré | ------ | ------ |
1616 | Smog SmasherSmog SmasherCreature — Mutant Berserker[YDFT] | #16 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Helge C. BalzerSmog SmasherSmog SmasherCreature — Mutant Berserker[YDFT] | #16 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Helge C. Balzer | | rarerare | Creature — Mutant BerserkerCreature — Mutant Berserker | Helge C. Balzer | ------ | ------ |
1717 | Fuel Tank FeasterFuel Tank FeasterCreature — Ooze Druid[YDFT] | #17 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Arif WijayaFuel Tank FeasterFuel Tank FeasterCreature — Ooze Druid[YDFT] | #17 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Arif Wijaya | | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Ooze DruidCreature — Ooze Druid | Arif Wijaya | ------ | ------ |
1818 | Great Fang ChroniclersGreat Fang ChroniclersCreature — Ape Druid[YDFT] | #18 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Lius LasahidoGreat Fang ChroniclersGreat Fang ChroniclersCreature — Ape Druid[YDFT] | #18 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Lius Lasahido | | commoncommon | Creature — Ape DruidCreature — Ape Druid | Lius Lasahido | ------ | ------ |
1919 | Mitotic UltimusMitotic UltimusLegendary Creature — Ooze Giant[YDFT] | #19 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Vincent ProceMitotic UltimusMitotic UltimusLegendary Creature — Ooze Giant[YDFT] | #19 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Vincent Proce | | mythicmythic | Legendary Creature — Ooze GiantLegendary Creature — Ooze Giant | Vincent Proce | ------ | ------ |
2020 | Routeway MooseRouteway MooseCreature — Elk Mount[YDFT] | #20 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Andreia UgraiRouteway MooseRouteway MooseCreature — Elk Mount[YDFT] | #20 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Andreia Ugrai | | rarerare | Creature — Elk MountCreature — Elk Mount | Andreia Ugrai | ------ | ------ |
2121 | Arius, Flyby TrawlerArius, Flyby TrawlerLegendary Creature — Shark Pirate[YDFT] | #21 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Leonardo SantannaArius, Flyby TrawlerArius, Flyby TrawlerLegendary Creature — Shark Pirate[YDFT] | #21 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Leonardo Santanna | | rarerare | Legendary Creature — Shark PirateLegendary Creature — Shark Pirate | Leonardo Santanna | ------ | ------ |
2222 | Highway ReaverHighway ReaverCreature — Scorpion Dragon[YDFT] | #22 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Konstantin PorubovHighway ReaverHighway ReaverCreature — Scorpion Dragon[YDFT] | #22 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Konstantin Porubov | | rarerare | Creature — Scorpion DragonCreature — Scorpion Dragon | Konstantin Porubov | ------ | ------ |
2323 | Ornate ImitationsOrnate ImitationsSorcery[YDFT] | #23 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Daniel LjunggrenOrnate ImitationsOrnate ImitationsSorcery[YDFT] | #23 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Daniel Ljunggren | | mythicmythic | SorcerySorcery | Daniel Ljunggren | ------ | ------ |
2424 | Quickbeast AmuletQuickbeast AmuletArtifact — Equipment[YDFT] | #24 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Mark PooleQuickbeast AmuletQuickbeast AmuletArtifact — Equipment[YDFT] | #24 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Mark Poole | | rarerare | Artifact — EquipmentArtifact — Equipment | Mark Poole | ------ | ------ |
2525 | Sala, Deck BossSala, Deck BossLegendary Creature — Squid Pirate[YDFT] | #25 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Mirko FailoniSala, Deck BossSala, Deck BossLegendary Creature — Squid Pirate[YDFT] | #25 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Mirko Failoni | | rarerare | Legendary Creature — Squid PirateLegendary Creature — Squid Pirate | Mirko Failoni | ------ | ------ |
2626 | Support SkyforgeSupport SkyforgeArtifact — Vehicle[YDFT] | #26 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Joseph MeehanSupport SkyforgeSupport SkyforgeArtifact — Vehicle[YDFT] | #26 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Joseph Meehan | | rarerare | Artifact — VehicleArtifact — Vehicle | Joseph Meehan | ------ | ------ |
2727 | Tsagan, Raider WarlordTsagan, Raider WarlordLegendary Creature — Dinosaur Berserker[YDFT] | #27 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Brian ValezaTsagan, Raider WarlordTsagan, Raider WarlordLegendary Creature — Dinosaur Berserker[YDFT] | #27 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Brian Valeza | | rarerare | Legendary Creature — Dinosaur BerserkerLegendary Creature — Dinosaur Berserker | Brian Valeza | ------ | ------ |
2828 | Wish Good LuckWish Good LuckSorcery[YDFT] | #28 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Raymond SwanlandWish Good LuckWish Good LuckSorcery[YDFT] | #28 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Raymond Swanland | | uncommonuncommon | SorcerySorcery | Raymond Swanland | ------ | ------ |
2929 | Masterpiece VaultMasterpiece VaultArtifact[YDFT] | #29 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Henry PetersMasterpiece VaultMasterpiece VaultArtifact[YDFT] | #29 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Henry Peters | | mythicmythic | ArtifactArtifact | Henry Peters | ------ | ------ |
3030 | Rising ChicaneRising ChicaneArtifact Land[YDFT] | #30 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Samuele BandiniRising ChicaneRising ChicaneArtifact Land[YDFT] | #30 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Samuele Bandini | | uncommonuncommon | Artifact LandArtifact Land | Samuele Bandini | ------ | ------ |