00 | Baldur's Gate WildernessBaldur's Gate WildernessDungeon[TCLB] | #0 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Baldur's Gate WildernessBaldur's Gate WildernessDungeon[TCLB] | #0 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: --- | | commoncommon | DungeonDungeon | | ------ | ------ |
11 | GoatGoatToken Creature — Goat[TCLB] | #1 | Common | Price: $0.11 | Foil price: ---Forrest ImelGoatGoatToken Creature — Goat[TCLB] | #1 | Common | Price: $0.11 | Foil price: ---Forrest Imel | | commoncommon | Token Creature — GoatToken Creature — Goat | Forrest Imel | $0.11$0.11 | ------ |
22 | KnightKnightToken Creature — Knight[TCLB] | #2 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: ---Paolo PuggioniKnightKnightToken Creature — Knight[TCLB] | #2 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: ---Paolo Puggioni | | commoncommon | Token Creature — KnightToken Creature — Knight | Paolo Puggioni | $0.14$0.14 | ------ |
33 | PegasusPegasusToken Creature — Pegasus[TCLB] | #3 | Common | Price: $0.15 | Foil price: ---Greg HildebrandtPegasusPegasusToken Creature — Pegasus[TCLB] | #3 | Common | Price: $0.15 | Foil price: ---Greg Hildebrandt | | commoncommon | Token Creature — PegasusToken Creature — Pegasus | Greg Hildebrandt | $0.15$0.15 | ------ |
44 | RabbitRabbitToken Creature — Rabbit[TCLB] | #4 | Common | Price: $1.00 | Foil price: ---Andrea RadeckRabbitRabbitToken Creature — Rabbit[TCLB] | #4 | Common | Price: $1.00 | Foil price: ---Andrea Radeck | | commoncommon | Token Creature — RabbitToken Creature — Rabbit | Andrea Radeck | $1.00$1.00 | ------ |
55 | SoldierSoldierToken Creature — Soldier[TCLB] | #5 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ---Magali VilleneuveSoldierSoldierToken Creature — Soldier[TCLB] | #5 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ---Magali Villeneuve | | commoncommon | Token Creature — SoldierToken Creature — Soldier | Magali Villeneuve | $0.07$0.07 | ------ |
66 | Faerie DragonFaerie DragonToken Creature — Faerie Dragon[TCLB] | #6 | Common | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: ---Iris CompietFaerie DragonFaerie DragonToken Creature — Faerie Dragon[TCLB] | #6 | Common | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: ---Iris Compiet | | commoncommon | Token Creature — Faerie DragonToken Creature — Faerie Dragon | Iris Compiet | $0.25$0.25 | ------ |
77 | DemonDemonToken Creature — Demon[TCLB] | #7 | Common | Price: $0.32 | Foil price: ---Dave KendallDemonDemonToken Creature — Demon[TCLB] | #7 | Common | Price: $0.32 | Foil price: ---Dave Kendall | | commoncommon | Token Creature — DemonToken Creature — Demon | Dave Kendall | $0.32$0.32 | ------ |
88 | SkeletonSkeletonToken Creature — Skeleton[TCLB] | #8 | Common | Price: $0.11 | Foil price: ---David AstrugaSkeletonSkeletonToken Creature — Skeleton[TCLB] | #8 | Common | Price: $0.11 | Foil price: ---David Astruga | | commoncommon | Token Creature — SkeletonToken Creature — Skeleton | David Astruga | $0.11$0.11 | ------ |
99 | BooBooToken Legendary Creature — Hamster[TCLB] | #9 | Common | Price: $0.65 | Foil price: ---Zoltan BorosBooBooToken Legendary Creature — Hamster[TCLB] | #9 | Common | Price: $0.65 | Foil price: ---Zoltan Boros | | commoncommon | Token Legendary Creature — HamsterToken Legendary Creature — Hamster | Zoltan Boros | $0.65$0.65 | ------ |
1010 | DevilDevilToken Creature — Devil[TCLB] | #10 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ---Josh HassDevilDevilToken Creature — Devil[TCLB] | #10 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ---Josh Hass | | commoncommon | Token Creature — DevilToken Creature — Devil | Josh Hass | $0.07$0.07 | ------ |
1111 | DragonDragonToken Creature — Dragon[TCLB] | #11 | Common | Price: $0.13 | Foil price: ---Kieran YannerDragonDragonToken Creature — Dragon[TCLB] | #11 | Common | Price: $0.13 | Foil price: ---Kieran Yanner | | commoncommon | Token Creature — DragonToken Creature — Dragon | Kieran Yanner | $0.13$0.13 | ------ |
1212 | BoarBoarToken Creature — Boar[TCLB] | #12 | Common | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ---Tomek LarekBoarBoarToken Creature — Boar[TCLB] | #12 | Common | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ---Tomek Larek | | commoncommon | Token Creature — BoarToken Creature — Boar | Tomek Larek | $0.10$0.10 | ------ |
1313 | OxOxToken Creature — Ox[TCLB] | #13 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ---Tomek LarekOxOxToken Creature — Ox[TCLB] | #13 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ---Tomek Larek | | commoncommon | Token Creature — OxToken Creature — Ox | Tomek Larek | $0.07$0.07 | ------ |
1414 | SaprolingSaprolingToken Creature — Saproling[TCLB] | #14 | Common | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ---David SzaboSaprolingSaprolingToken Creature — Saproling[TCLB] | #14 | Common | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ---David Szabo | | commoncommon | Token Creature — SaprolingToken Creature — Saproling | David Szabo | $0.09$0.09 | ------ |
1515 | SquirrelSquirrelToken Creature — Squirrel[TCLB] | #15 | Common | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: ---Daniel LjunggrenSquirrelSquirrelToken Creature — Squirrel[TCLB] | #15 | Common | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: ---Daniel Ljunggren | | commoncommon | Token Creature — SquirrelToken Creature — Squirrel | Daniel Ljunggren | $0.19$0.19 | ------ |
1616 | ConstructConstructToken Artifact Creature — Construct[TCLB] | #16 | Common | Price: $0.12 | Foil price: ---Jakub KasperConstructConstructToken Artifact Creature — Construct[TCLB] | #16 | Common | Price: $0.12 | Foil price: ---Jakub Kasper | | commoncommon | Token Artifact Creature — ConstructToken Artifact Creature — Construct | Jakub Kasper | $0.12$0.12 | ------ |
1717 | TreasureTreasureToken Artifact — Treasure[TCLB] | #17 | Common | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ---Dan Murayama ScottTreasureTreasureToken Artifact — Treasure[TCLB] | #17 | Common | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ---Dan Murayama Scott | | commoncommon | Token Artifact — TreasureToken Artifact — Treasure | Dan Murayama Scott | $0.09$0.09 | ------ |
1818 | Volo's JournalVolo's JournalToken Legendary Artifact[TCLB] | #18 | Common | Price: $0.12 | Foil price: ---Zoltan BorosVolo's JournalVolo's JournalToken Legendary Artifact[TCLB] | #18 | Common | Price: $0.12 | Foil price: ---Zoltan Boros | | commoncommon | Token Legendary ArtifactToken Legendary Artifact | Zoltan Boros | $0.12$0.12 | ------ |
1919 | CopyCopyToken[TCLB] | #19 | Common | Price: $0.27 | Foil price: ---Kai CarpenterCopyCopyToken[TCLB] | #19 | Common | Price: $0.27 | Foil price: ---Kai Carpenter | | commoncommon | TokenToken | Kai Carpenter | $0.27$0.27 | ------ |
2020 | Undercity // The InitiativeUndercity // The InitiativeDungeon — Undercity[TCLB] | #20 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Ioannis FioreUndercity // The InitiativeUndercity // The InitiativeDungeon — Undercity[TCLB] | #20 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Ioannis Fiore | | commoncommon | Dungeon — UndercityDungeon — Undercity | Ioannis Fiore | ------ | ------ |
2121 | Eldrazi HorrorEldrazi HorrorToken Creature — Eldrazi Horror[TCLB] | #21 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jason FelixEldrazi HorrorEldrazi HorrorToken Creature — Eldrazi Horror[TCLB] | #21 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jason Felix | | commoncommon | Token Creature — Eldrazi HorrorToken Creature — Eldrazi Horror | Jason Felix | ------ | ------ |
2222 | ShapeshifterShapeshifterToken Creature — Shapeshifter[TCLB] | #22 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Steve PrescottShapeshifterShapeshifterToken Creature — Shapeshifter[TCLB] | #22 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Steve Prescott | | commoncommon | Token Creature — ShapeshifterToken Creature — Shapeshifter | Steve Prescott | ------ | ------ |
2323 | ShapeshifterShapeshifterToken Creature — Shapeshifter[TCLB] | #23 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Johann BodinShapeshifterShapeshifterToken Creature — Shapeshifter[TCLB] | #23 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Johann Bodin | | commoncommon | Token Creature — ShapeshifterToken Creature — Shapeshifter | Johann Bodin | ------ | ------ |
2424 | ShapeshifterShapeshifterToken Creature — Shapeshifter[TCLB] | #24 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Igor GrechanyiShapeshifterShapeshifterToken Creature — Shapeshifter[TCLB] | #24 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Igor Grechanyi | | commoncommon | Token Creature — ShapeshifterToken Creature — Shapeshifter | Igor Grechanyi | ------ | ------ |
2525 | Angel WarriorAngel WarriorToken Creature — Angel Warrior[TCLB] | #25 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Alexander MokhovAngel WarriorAngel WarriorToken Creature — Angel Warrior[TCLB] | #25 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Alexander Mokhov | | commoncommon | Token Creature — Angel WarriorToken Creature — Angel Warrior | Alexander Mokhov | ------ | ------ |
2626 | HumanHumanToken Creature — Human[TCLB] | #26 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Ben MaierHumanHumanToken Creature — Human[TCLB] | #26 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Ben Maier | | commoncommon | Token Creature — HumanToken Creature — Human | Ben Maier | ------ | ------ |
2727 | Kor WarriorKor WarriorToken Creature — Kor Warrior[TCLB] | #27 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Randy VargasKor WarriorKor WarriorToken Creature — Kor Warrior[TCLB] | #27 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Randy Vargas | | commoncommon | Token Creature — Kor WarriorToken Creature — Kor Warrior | Randy Vargas | ------ | ------ |
2828 | ShapeshifterShapeshifterToken Creature — Shapeshifter[TCLB] | #28 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Filip BurburanShapeshifterShapeshifterToken Creature — Shapeshifter[TCLB] | #28 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Filip Burburan | | commoncommon | Token Creature — ShapeshifterToken Creature — Shapeshifter | Filip Burburan | ------ | ------ |
2929 | SquidSquidToken Creature — Squid[TCLB] | #29 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jack WangSquidSquidToken Creature — Squid[TCLB] | #29 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jack Wang | | commoncommon | Token Creature — SquidToken Creature — Squid | Jack Wang | ------ | ------ |
3030 | WizardWizardToken Creature — Wizard[TCLB] | #30 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Denys TsiperkoWizardWizardToken Creature — Wizard[TCLB] | #30 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Denys Tsiperko | | commoncommon | Token Creature — WizardToken Creature — Wizard | Denys Tsiperko | ------ | ------ |
3131 | HorrorHorrorToken Creature — Horror[TCLB] | #31 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Nino IsHorrorHorrorToken Creature — Horror[TCLB] | #31 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Nino Is | | commoncommon | Token Creature — HorrorToken Creature — Horror | Nino Is | ------ | ------ |
3232 | WarriorWarriorToken Creature — Warrior[TCLB] | #32 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Zoltan BorosWarriorWarriorToken Creature — Warrior[TCLB] | #32 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Zoltan Boros | | commoncommon | Token Creature — WarriorToken Creature — Warrior | Zoltan Boros | ------ | ------ |
3333 | DragonDragonToken Creature — Dragon[TCLB] | #33 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Alex KonstadDragonDragonToken Creature — Dragon[TCLB] | #33 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Alex Konstad | | commoncommon | Token Creature — DragonToken Creature — Dragon | Alex Konstad | ------ | ------ |
3434 | GoblinGoblinToken Creature — Goblin[TCLB] | #34 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Wayne ReynoldsGoblinGoblinToken Creature — Goblin[TCLB] | #34 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Wayne Reynolds | | commoncommon | Token Creature — GoblinToken Creature — Goblin | Wayne Reynolds | ------ | ------ |
3535 | Kobolds of Kher KeepKobolds of Kher KeepToken Creature — Kobold[TCLB] | #35 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Paolo ParenteKobolds of Kher KeepKobolds of Kher KeepToken Creature — Kobold[TCLB] | #35 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Paolo Parente | | commoncommon | Token Creature — KoboldToken Creature — Kobold | Paolo Parente | ------ | ------ |
3636 | OgreOgreToken Creature — Ogre[TCLB] | #36 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Paul BonnerOgreOgreToken Creature — Ogre[TCLB] | #36 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Paul Bonner | | commoncommon | Token Creature — OgreToken Creature — Ogre | Paul Bonner | ------ | ------ |
3737 | PiratePirateToken Creature — Pirate[TCLB] | #37 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jonathan KuoPiratePirateToken Creature — Pirate[TCLB] | #37 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jonathan Kuo | | commoncommon | Token Creature — PirateToken Creature — Pirate | Jonathan Kuo | ------ | ------ |
3838 | BeastBeastToken Creature — Beast[TCLB] | #38 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jesper EjsingBeastBeastToken Creature — Beast[TCLB] | #38 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jesper Ejsing | | commoncommon | Token Creature — BeastToken Creature — Beast | Jesper Ejsing | ------ | ------ |
3939 | CentaurCentaurToken Creature — Centaur[TCLB] | #39 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Martina PilcerovaCentaurCentaurToken Creature — Centaur[TCLB] | #39 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Martina Pilcerova | | commoncommon | Token Creature — CentaurToken Creature — Centaur | Martina Pilcerova | ------ | ------ |
4040 | InsectInsectToken Creature — Insect[TCLB] | #40 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Martina PilcerovaInsectInsectToken Creature — Insect[TCLB] | #40 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Martina Pilcerova | | commoncommon | Token Creature — InsectToken Creature — Insect | Martina Pilcerova | ------ | ------ |
4141 | Phyrexian BeastPhyrexian BeastToken Creature — Phyrexian Beast[TCLB] | #41 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Svetlin VelinovPhyrexian BeastPhyrexian BeastToken Creature — Phyrexian Beast[TCLB] | #41 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Svetlin Velinov | | commoncommon | Token Creature — Phyrexian BeastToken Creature — Phyrexian Beast | Svetlin Velinov | ------ | ------ |
4242 | SpiderSpiderToken Creature — Spider[TCLB] | #42 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Slawomir ManiakSpiderSpiderToken Creature — Spider[TCLB] | #42 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Slawomir Maniak | | commoncommon | Token Creature — SpiderToken Creature — Spider | Slawomir Maniak | ------ | ------ |
4343 | WolfWolfToken Creature — Wolf[TCLB] | #43 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Andrea RadeckWolfWolfToken Creature — Wolf[TCLB] | #43 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Andrea Radeck | | commoncommon | Token Creature — WolfToken Creature — Wolf | Andrea Radeck | ------ | ------ |
4444 | WurmWurmToken Creature — Wurm[TCLB] | #44 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Slawomir ManiakWurmWurmToken Creature — Wurm[TCLB] | #44 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Slawomir Maniak | | commoncommon | Token Creature — WurmToken Creature — Wurm | Slawomir Maniak | ------ | ------ |
4545 | InklingInklingToken Creature — Inkling[TCLB] | #45 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Scott MurphyInklingInklingToken Creature — Inkling[TCLB] | #45 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Scott Murphy | | commoncommon | Token Creature — InklingToken Creature — Inkling | Scott Murphy | ------ | ------ |
4646 | SatyrSatyrToken Creature — Satyr[TCLB] | #46 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Johann BodinSatyrSatyrToken Creature — Satyr[TCLB] | #46 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Johann Bodin | | commoncommon | Token Creature — SatyrToken Creature — Satyr | Johann Bodin | ------ | ------ |
4747 | ClueClueToken Artifact — Clue[TCLB] | #47 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Campbell WhiteClueClueToken Artifact — Clue[TCLB] | #47 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Campbell White | | commoncommon | Token Artifact — ClueToken Artifact — Clue | Campbell White | ------ | ------ |
4848 | GoldGoldToken Artifact — Gold[TCLB] | #48 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Yeong-Hao HanGoldGoldToken Artifact — Gold[TCLB] | #48 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Yeong-Hao Han | | commoncommon | Token Artifact — GoldToken Artifact — Gold | Yeong-Hao Han | ------ | ------ |
4949 | Rowan Kenrith EmblemRowan Kenrith EmblemEmblem — Rowan[TCLB] | #49 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Anna SteinbauerRowan Kenrith EmblemRowan Kenrith EmblemEmblem — Rowan[TCLB] | #49 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Anna Steinbauer | | commoncommon | Emblem — RowanEmblem — Rowan | Anna Steinbauer | ------ | ------ |
5050 | Will Kenrith EmblemWill Kenrith EmblemEmblem — Will[TCLB] | #50 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Anna SteinbauerWill Kenrith EmblemWill Kenrith EmblemEmblem — Will[TCLB] | #50 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Anna Steinbauer | | commoncommon | Emblem — WillEmblem — Will | Anna Steinbauer | ------ | ------ |