1 | Auriok GlaivemasterAuriok GlaivemasterCreature — Human Soldier[DST] | #1 | Common | Price: $0.06 | Foil price: ✨$0.37John Matson | | common | Creature — Human Soldier | John Matson | $0.06 | ✨$0.37 |
2 | Echoing CalmEchoing CalmInstant[DST] | #2 | Common | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ✨$0.34Greg Staples | | common | Instant | Greg Staples | $0.09 | ✨$0.34 |
3 | Emissary of HopeEmissary of HopeCreature — Spirit[DST] | #3 | Uncommon | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ✨$0.49rk post | | uncommon | Creature — Spirit | rk post | $0.10 | ✨$0.49 |
4 | HallowHallowInstant[DST] | #4 | Common | Price: $0.41 | Foil price: ✨$6.57Alex Horley-Orlandelli | | common | Instant | Alex Horley-Orlandelli | $0.41 | ✨$6.57 |
5 | Leonin BattlemageLeonin BattlemageCreature — Cat Wizard[DST] | #5 | Uncommon | Price: $0.17 | Foil price: ✨$0.35Stephen Tappin | | uncommon | Creature — Cat Wizard | Stephen Tappin | $0.17 | ✨$0.35 |
6 | Leonin ShikariLeonin ShikariCreature — Cat Soldier[DST] | #6 | Rare | Price: $3.55 | Foil price: ✨$16.60Wayne England | | rare | Creature — Cat Soldier | Wayne England | $3.55 | ✨$16.60 |
7 | Loxodon MysticLoxodon MysticCreature — Elephant Cleric[DST] | #7 | Common | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ✨$0.24Edward P. Beard, Jr. | | common | Creature — Elephant Cleric | Edward P. Beard, Jr. | $0.10 | ✨$0.24 |
8 | Metal FatigueMetal FatigueInstant[DST] | #8 | Common | Price: $0.12 | Foil price: ✨$0.20Arnie Swekel | | common | Instant | Arnie Swekel | $0.12 | ✨$0.20 |
9 | Pristine AngelPristine AngelCreature — Angel[DST] | #9 | Rare | Price: $0.53 | Foil price: ✨$8.98Scott M. Fischer | | rare | Creature — Angel | Scott M. Fischer | $0.53 | ✨$8.98 |
10 | Pteron GhostPteron GhostCreature — Dinosaur Spirit[DST] | #10 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ✨$3.20Edward P. Beard, Jr. | | common | Creature — Dinosaur Spirit | Edward P. Beard, Jr. | $0.07 | ✨$3.20 |
11 | Pulse of the FieldsPulse of the FieldsInstant[DST] | #11 | Rare | Price: $0.44 | Foil price: ✨$1.55Paolo Parente | | rare | Instant | Paolo Parente | $0.44 | ✨$1.55 |
12 | PurgePurgeInstant[DST] | #12 | Uncommon | Price: $0.12 | Foil price: ✨$0.20Pete Venters | | uncommon | Instant | Pete Venters | $0.12 | ✨$0.20 |
13 | Ritual of RestorationRitual of RestorationSorcery[DST] | #13 | Common | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ✨$0.25Dany Orizio | | common | Sorcery | Dany Orizio | $0.10 | ✨$0.25 |
14 | SoulscourSoulscourSorcery[DST] | #14 | Rare | Price: $0.39 | Foil price: ✨$2.19Kev Walker | | rare | Sorcery | Kev Walker | $0.39 | ✨$2.19 |
15 | Steelshaper ApprenticeSteelshaper ApprenticeCreature — Human Soldier[DST] | #15 | Rare | Price: $0.54 | Foil price: ✨$1.54Tim Hildebrandt | | rare | Creature — Human Soldier | Tim Hildebrandt | $0.54 | ✨$1.54 |
16 | Stir the PrideStir the PrideInstant[DST] | #16 | Uncommon | Price: $0.24 | Foil price: ✨$0.33Matt Cavotta | | uncommon | Instant | Matt Cavotta | $0.24 | ✨$0.33 |
17 | Test of FaithTest of FaithInstant[DST] | #17 | Uncommon | Price: $0.12 | Foil price: ✨$0.65Vance Kovacs | | uncommon | Instant | Vance Kovacs | $0.12 | ✨$0.65 |
18 | Turn the TablesTurn the TablesInstant[DST] | #18 | Rare | Price: $0.42 | Foil price: ✨$1.46Christopher Moeller | | rare | Instant | Christopher Moeller | $0.42 | ✨$1.46 |
19 | Carry AwayCarry AwayEnchantment — Aura[DST] | #19 | Uncommon | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ✨$0.60Jim Nelson | | uncommon | Enchantment — Aura | Jim Nelson | $0.10 | ✨$0.60 |
20 | Chromescale DrakeChromescale DrakeCreature — Drake[DST] | #20 | Rare | Price: $0.26 | Foil price: ✨$0.88Ben Thompson | | rare | Creature — Drake | Ben Thompson | $0.26 | ✨$0.88 |
21 | Echoing TruthEchoing TruthInstant[DST] | #21 | Common | Price: $0.28 | Foil price: ✨$8.30Greg Staples | | common | Instant | Greg Staples | $0.28 | ✨$8.30 |
22 | Hoverguard ObserverHoverguard ObserverCreature — Drone[DST] | #22 | Uncommon | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: ✨$0.23Kev Walker | | uncommon | Creature — Drone | Kev Walker | $0.14 | ✨$0.23 |
23 | Last WordLast WordInstant[DST] | #23 | Rare | Price: $0.61 | Foil price: ✨$7.73Scott M. Fischer | | rare | Instant | Scott M. Fischer | $0.61 | ✨$7.73 |
24 | MachinateMachinateInstant[DST] | #24 | Common | Price: $0.17 | Foil price: ✨$0.62Wayne England | | common | Instant | Wayne England | $0.17 | ✨$0.62 |
25 | Magnetic FluxMagnetic FluxInstant[DST] | #25 | Common | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ✨$0.29Alan Rabinowitz | | common | Instant | Alan Rabinowitz | $0.09 | ✨$0.29 |
26 | Neurok ProdigyNeurok ProdigyCreature — Human Wizard[DST] | #26 | Common | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ---Puddnhead | | common | Creature — Human Wizard | Puddnhead | $0.05 | --- |
27 | Neurok TransmuterNeurok TransmuterCreature — Human Wizard[DST] | #27 | Uncommon | Price: $0.16 | Foil price: ✨$1.62Mark Zug | | uncommon | Creature — Human Wizard | Mark Zug | $0.16 | ✨$1.62 |
28 | Psychic OverloadPsychic OverloadEnchantment — Aura[DST] | #28 | Uncommon | Price: $0.13 | Foil price: ✨$0.93Jeremy Jarvis | | uncommon | Enchantment — Aura | Jeremy Jarvis | $0.13 | ✨$0.93 |
29 | Pulse of the GridPulse of the GridInstant[DST] | #29 | Rare | Price: $0.36 | Foil price: ✨$2.56Wayne England | | rare | Instant | Wayne England | $0.36 | ✨$2.56 |
30 | Quicksilver BehemothQuicksilver BehemothCreature — Beast[DST] | #30 | Common | Price: $0.06 | Foil price: ✨$0.17Anthony S. Waters & Cara Mitten | | common | Creature — Beast | Anthony S. WatersCara Mitten | $0.06 | ✨$0.17 |
31 | ReshapeReshapeSorcery[DST] | #31 | Rare | Price: $3.52 | Foil price: ✨$21.99Jon Foster | | rare | Sorcery | Jon Foster | $3.52 | ✨$21.99 |
32 | RetractRetractInstant[DST] | #32 | Rare | Price: $3.76 | Foil price: ✨$10.42Matt Cavotta | | rare | Instant | Matt Cavotta | $3.76 | ✨$10.42 |
33 | Second SightSecond SightInstant[DST] | #33 | Uncommon | Price: $0.20 | Foil price: ---Luca Zontini | | uncommon | Instant | Luca Zontini | $0.20 | --- |
34 | Synod ArtificerSynod ArtificerCreature — Vedalken Artificer[DST] | #34 | Rare | Price: $0.27 | Foil price: ✨$2.22Mark Zug | | rare | Creature — Vedalken Artificer | Mark Zug | $0.27 | ✨$2.22 |
35 | Vedalken EngineerVedalken EngineerCreature — Vedalken Artificer[DST] | #35 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: ✨$5.42Lars Grant-West | | common | Creature — Vedalken Artificer | Lars Grant-West | $0.14 | ✨$5.42 |
36 | VexVexInstant[DST] | #36 | Common | Price: $0.13 | Foil price: ✨$0.54Brian Snõddy | | common | Instant | Brian Snõddy | $0.13 | ✨$0.54 |
37 | Aether SnapAether SnapSorcery[DST] | #37 | Rare | Price: $0.70 | Foil price: ✨$10.10Kev Walker | | rare | Sorcery | Kev Walker | $0.70 | ✨$10.10 |
38 | Burden of GreedBurden of GreedInstant[DST] | #38 | Common | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ✨$0.20Vance Kovacs | | common | Instant | Vance Kovacs | $0.10 | ✨$0.20 |
39 | Chittering RatsChittering RatsCreature — Rat[DST] | #39 | Common | Price: $0.38 | Foil price: ✨$5.66Tom Wänerstrand | | common | Creature — Rat | Tom Wänerstrand | $0.38 | ✨$5.66 |
40 | Death CloudDeath CloudSorcery[DST] | #40 | Rare | Price: $2.15 | Foil price: ✨$12.67Stephen Tappin | | rare | Sorcery | Stephen Tappin | $2.15 | ✨$12.67 |
41 | Echoing DecayEchoing DecayInstant[DST] | #41 | Common | Price: $0.24 | Foil price: ✨$1.69Greg Staples | | common | Instant | Greg Staples | $0.24 | ✨$1.69 |
42 | Emissary of DespairEmissary of DespairCreature — Spirit[DST] | #42 | Uncommon | Price: $0.16 | Foil price: ✨$1.19rk post | | uncommon | Creature — Spirit | rk post | $0.16 | ✨$1.19 |
43 | Essence DrainEssence DrainSorcery[DST] | #43 | Common | Price: $0.08 | Foil price: ✨$0.20Tony Szczudlo | | common | Sorcery | Tony Szczudlo | $0.08 | ✨$0.20 |
44 | Greater HarvesterGreater HarvesterCreature — Horror[DST] | #44 | Rare | Price: $1.67 | Foil price: ✨$10.29Daren Bader | | rare | Creature — Horror | Daren Bader | $1.67 | ✨$10.29 |
45 | Grimclaw BatsGrimclaw BatsCreature — Bat[DST] | #45 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ✨$0.44Tom Wänerstrand | | common | Creature — Bat | Tom Wänerstrand | $0.07 | ✨$0.44 |
46 | Hunger of the NimHunger of the NimSorcery[DST] | #46 | Common | Price: $0.08 | Foil price: ✨$0.43Puddnhead | | common | Sorcery | Puddnhead | $0.08 | ✨$0.43 |
47 | Mephitic OozeMephitic OozeCreature — Ooze[DST] | #47 | Rare | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: ✨$1.60Alex Horley-Orlandelli | | rare | Creature — Ooze | Alex Horley-Orlandelli | $0.25 | ✨$1.60 |
48 | Murderous SpoilsMurderous SpoilsInstant[DST] | #48 | Uncommon | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ✨$0.35Adam Rex | | uncommon | Instant | Adam Rex | $0.09 | ✨$0.35 |
49 | Nim AbominationNim AbominationCreature — Zombie[DST] | #49 | Uncommon | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ---Jim Murray | | uncommon | Creature — Zombie | Jim Murray | $0.10 | --- |
50 | Pulse of the DrossPulse of the DrossSorcery[DST] | #50 | Rare | Price: $0.30 | Foil price: ✨$0.87Paolo Parente | | rare | Sorcery | Paolo Parente | $0.30 | ✨$0.87 |
51 | Scavenging ScarabScavenging ScarabCreature — Insect[DST] | #51 | Common | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.14Jeff Easley | | common | Creature — Insect | Jeff Easley | $0.05 | ✨$0.14 |
52 | Screams from WithinScreams from WithinEnchantment — Aura[DST] | #52 | Uncommon | Price: $3.98 | Foil price: ✨$19.21Hugh Jamieson | | uncommon | Enchantment — Aura | Hugh Jamieson | $3.98 | ✨$19.21 |