ab0bab0b | Alex Borteh DecklistAlex Borteh DecklistCard[WC01] | #ab0b | Common | Price: $2.13 | Foil price: N/AAlex Borteh DecklistAlex Borteh DecklistCard[WC01] | #ab0b | Common | Price: $2.13 | Foil price: N/A | | commoncommon | CardCard | | $2.13$2.13 | N/AN/A |
ar0aar0a | Antoine Ruel BioAntoine Ruel BioCard[WC01] | #ar0a | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: N/AAntoine Ruel BioAntoine Ruel BioCard[WC01] | #ar0a | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: N/A | | commoncommon | CardCard | | ------ | N/AN/A |
tvdl0atvdl0a | Tom van de Logt Bio (2001)Tom van de Logt Bio (2001)Card[WC01] | #tvdl0a | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: N/ATom van de Logt Bio (2001)Tom van de Logt Bio (2001)Card[WC01] | #tvdl0a | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: N/A | | commoncommon | CardCard | | ------ | N/AN/A |
00 | 2001 World Championships Ad2001 World Championships AdCard[WC01] | #0 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: N/A2001 World Championships Ad2001 World Championships AdCard[WC01] | #0 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: N/A | | commoncommon | CardCard | | ------ | N/AN/A |
ar0bar0b | Antoine Ruel DecklistAntoine Ruel DecklistCard[WC01] | #ar0b | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: N/AAntoine Ruel DecklistAntoine Ruel DecklistCard[WC01] | #ar0b | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: N/A | | commoncommon | CardCard | | ------ | N/AN/A |
jt0ajt0a | Jan Tomcani BioJan Tomcani BioCard[WC01] | #jt0a | Common | Price: $0.50 | Foil price: N/AJan Tomcani BioJan Tomcani BioCard[WC01] | #jt0a | Common | Price: $0.50 | Foil price: N/A | | commoncommon | CardCard | | $0.50$0.50 | N/AN/A |
tvdl0btvdl0b | Tom van de Logt Decklist (2001)Tom van de Logt Decklist (2001)Card[WC01] | #tvdl0b | Common | Price: $1.49 | Foil price: N/ATom van de Logt Decklist (2001)Tom van de Logt Decklist (2001)Card[WC01] | #tvdl0b | Common | Price: $1.49 | Foil price: N/A | | commoncommon | CardCard | | $1.49$1.49 | N/AN/A |
0000 | Blank CardBlank CardCard[WC01] | #00 | Common | Price: $0.96 | Foil price: N/ABlank CardBlank CardCard[WC01] | #00 | Common | Price: $0.96 | Foil price: N/A | | commoncommon | CardCard | | $0.96$0.96 | N/AN/A |
jt0bjt0b | Jan Tomcani DecklistJan Tomcani DecklistCard[WC01] | #jt0b | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: N/AJan Tomcani DecklistJan Tomcani DecklistCard[WC01] | #jt0b | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: N/A | | commoncommon | CardCard | | ------ | N/AN/A |
ab0aab0a | Alex Borteh BioAlex Borteh BioCard[WC01] | #ab0a | Common | Price: $5.74 | Foil price: N/AAlex Borteh BioAlex Borteh BioCard[WC01] | #ab0a | Common | Price: $5.74 | Foil price: N/A | | commoncommon | CardCard | | $5.74$5.74 | N/AN/A |
ar26ar26 | Accumulated KnowledgeAccumulated KnowledgeInstant[WC01] | #ar26 | Common | Price: $1.83 | Foil price: N/ARandy GallegosAccumulated KnowledgeAccumulated KnowledgeInstant[WC01] | #ar26 | Common | Price: $1.83 | Foil price: N/ARandy Gallegos | | commoncommon | InstantInstant | Randy Gallegos | $1.83$1.83 | N/AN/A |
ab30sbab30sb | Rushing RiverRushing RiverInstant[WC01] | #ab30sb | Common | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/ADon HazeltineRushing RiverRushing RiverInstant[WC01] | #ab30sb | Common | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/ADon Hazeltine | | commoncommon | InstantInstant | Don Hazeltine | $0.25$0.25 | N/AN/A |
tvdl47sbtvdl47sb | Phyrexian ArenaPhyrexian ArenaEnchantment[WC01] | #tvdl47sb | Rare | Price: $3.48 | Foil price: N/APete VentersPhyrexian ArenaPhyrexian ArenaEnchantment[WC01] | #tvdl47sb | Rare | Price: $3.48 | Foil price: N/APete Venters | | rarerare | EnchantmentEnchantment | Pete Venters | $3.48$3.48 | N/AN/A |
tvdl51tvdl51 | Phyrexian ScutaPhyrexian ScutaCreature — Phyrexian Zombie[WC01] | #tvdl51 | Rare | Price: $0.47 | Foil price: N/AScott M. FischerPhyrexian ScutaPhyrexian ScutaCreature — Phyrexian Zombie[WC01] | #tvdl51 | Rare | Price: $0.47 | Foil price: N/AScott M. Fischer | | rarerare | Creature — Phyrexian ZombieCreature — Phyrexian Zombie | Scott M. Fischer | $0.47$0.47 | N/AN/A |
ar57ar57 | Fact or FictionFact or FictionInstant[WC01] | #ar57 | Uncommon | Price: $0.91 | Foil price: N/ATerese NielsenFact or FictionFact or FictionInstant[WC01] | #ar57 | Uncommon | Price: $0.91 | Foil price: N/ATerese Nielsen | | uncommonuncommon | InstantInstant | Terese Nielsen | $0.91$0.91 | N/AN/A |
ab59sbab59sb | Mana MazeMana MazeEnchantment[WC01] | #ab59sb | Rare | Price: $0.78 | Foil price: N/ARebecca GuayMana MazeMana MazeEnchantment[WC01] | #ab59sb | Rare | Price: $0.78 | Foil price: N/ARebecca Guay | | rarerare | EnchantmentEnchantment | Rebecca Guay | $0.78$0.78 | N/AN/A |
jt60jt60 | Flametongue KavuFlametongue KavuCreature — Kavu[WC01] | #jt60 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: N/APete VentersFlametongue KavuFlametongue KavuCreature — Kavu[WC01] | #jt60 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: N/APete Venters | | uncommonuncommon | Creature — KavuCreature — Kavu | Pete Venters | ------ | N/AN/A |
tvdl60tvdl60 | Flametongue KavuFlametongue KavuCreature — Kavu[WC01] | #tvdl60 | Uncommon | Price: $0.32 | Foil price: N/APete VentersFlametongue KavuFlametongue KavuCreature — Kavu[WC01] | #tvdl60 | Uncommon | Price: $0.32 | Foil price: N/APete Venters | | uncommonuncommon | Creature — KavuCreature — Kavu | Pete Venters | $0.32$0.32 | N/AN/A |
tvdl60sbtvdl60sb | Flametongue KavuFlametongue KavuCreature — Kavu[WC01] | #tvdl60sb | Uncommon | Price: $0.22 | Foil price: N/APete VentersFlametongue KavuFlametongue KavuCreature — Kavu[WC01] | #tvdl60sb | Uncommon | Price: $0.22 | Foil price: N/APete Venters | | uncommonuncommon | Creature — KavuCreature — Kavu | Pete Venters | $0.22$0.22 | N/AN/A |
ar64ar64 | OptOptInstant[WC01] | #ar64 | Common | Price: $1.70 | Foil price: N/AJohn HoweOptOptInstant[WC01] | #ar64 | Common | Price: $1.70 | Foil price: N/AJohn Howe | | commoncommon | InstantInstant | John Howe | $1.70$1.70 | N/AN/A |
ab67ab67 | CounterspellCounterspellInstant[WC01] | #ab67 | Common | Price: $2.42 | Foil price: N/AMark RomanoskiCounterspellCounterspellInstant[WC01] | #ab67 | Common | Price: $2.42 | Foil price: N/AMark Romanoski | | commoncommon | InstantInstant | Mark Romanoski | $2.42$2.42 | N/AN/A |
ar67ar67 | CounterspellCounterspellInstant[WC01] | #ar67 | Common | Price: $1.00 | Foil price: N/AMark RomanoskiCounterspellCounterspellInstant[WC01] | #ar67 | Common | Price: $1.00 | Foil price: N/AMark Romanoski | | commoncommon | InstantInstant | Mark Romanoski | $1.00$1.00 | N/AN/A |
ar69ar69 | CounterspellCounterspellInstant[WC01] | #ar69 | Common | Price: $1.14 | Foil price: N/AGao YanCounterspellCounterspellInstant[WC01] | #ar69 | Common | Price: $1.14 | Foil price: N/AGao Yan | | commoncommon | InstantInstant | Gao Yan | $1.14$1.14 | N/AN/A |
ab69ab69 | CounterspellCounterspellInstant[WC01] | #ab69 | Common | Price: $1.99 | Foil price: N/AGao YanCounterspellCounterspellInstant[WC01] | #ab69 | Common | Price: $1.99 | Foil price: N/AGao Yan | | commoncommon | InstantInstant | Gao Yan | $1.99$1.99 | N/AN/A |
ab72ab72 | Darting MerfolkDarting MerfolkCreature — Merfolk[WC01] | #ab72 | Common | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/ASam WoodDarting MerfolkDarting MerfolkCreature — Merfolk[WC01] | #ab72 | Common | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/ASam Wood | | commoncommon | Creature — MerfolkCreature — Merfolk | Sam Wood | $0.25$0.25 | N/AN/A |
jt75sbjt75sb | Thunderscape BattlemageThunderscape BattlemageCreature — Human Wizard[WC01] | #jt75sb | Uncommon | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/AMike PloogThunderscape BattlemageThunderscape BattlemageCreature — Human Wizard[WC01] | #jt75sb | Uncommon | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/AMike Ploog | | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Human WizardCreature — Human Wizard | Mike Ploog | $0.25$0.25 | N/AN/A |
ab78sbab78sb | Teferi's ResponseTeferi's ResponseInstant[WC01] | #ab78sb | Rare | Price: $1.44 | Foil price: N/AScott BaileyTeferi's ResponseTeferi's ResponseInstant[WC01] | #ab78sb | Rare | Price: $1.44 | Foil price: N/AScott Bailey | | rarerare | InstantInstant | Scott Bailey | $1.44$1.44 | N/AN/A |
ar78sbar78sb | Teferi's ResponseTeferi's ResponseInstant[WC01] | #ar78sb | Rare | Price: $1.49 | Foil price: N/AScott BaileyTeferi's ResponseTeferi's ResponseInstant[WC01] | #ar78sb | Rare | Price: $1.49 | Foil price: N/AScott Bailey | | rarerare | InstantInstant | Scott Bailey | $1.49$1.49 | N/AN/A |
ab79sbab79sb | HibernationHibernationInstant[WC01] | #ab79sb | Uncommon | Price: $0.62 | Foil price: N/AMatt CavottaHibernationHibernationInstant[WC01] | #ab79sb | Uncommon | Price: $0.62 | Foil price: N/AMatt Cavotta | | uncommonuncommon | InstantInstant | Matt Cavotta | $0.62$0.62 | N/AN/A |
ab82ab82 | GushGushInstant[WC01] | #ab82 | Common | Price: $2.03 | Foil price: N/AKev WalkerGushGushInstant[WC01] | #ab82 | Common | Price: $2.03 | Foil price: N/AKev Walker | | commoncommon | InstantInstant | Kev Walker | $2.03$2.03 | N/AN/A |
ab83ab83 | Lord of AtlantisLord of AtlantisCreature — Merfolk[WC01] | #ab83 | Rare | Price: $6.31 | Foil price: N/AGreg StaplesLord of AtlantisLord of AtlantisCreature — Merfolk[WC01] | #ab83 | Rare | Price: $6.31 | Foil price: N/AGreg Staples | | rarerare | Creature — MerfolkCreature — Merfolk | Greg Staples | $6.31$6.31 | N/AN/A |
ab85ab85 | Vodalian MerchantVodalian MerchantCreature — Merfolk[WC01] | #ab85 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: N/AScott M. FischerVodalian MerchantVodalian MerchantCreature — Merfolk[WC01] | #ab85 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: N/AScott M. Fischer | | commoncommon | Creature — MerfolkCreature — Merfolk | Scott M. Fischer | ------ | N/AN/A |
ab87sbab87sb | MisdirectionMisdirectionInstant[WC01] | #ab87sb | Rare | Price: $4.72 | Foil price: N/APaolo ParenteMisdirectionMisdirectionInstant[WC01] | #ab87sb | Rare | Price: $4.72 | Foil price: N/APaolo Parente | | rarerare | InstantInstant | Paolo Parente | $4.72$4.72 | N/AN/A |
ab87bsbab87bsb | Wash OutWash OutSorcery[WC01] | #ab87bsb | Uncommon | Price: $1.00 | Foil price: N/AMatthew D. WilsonWash OutWash OutSorcery[WC01] | #ab87bsb | Uncommon | Price: $1.00 | Foil price: N/AMatthew D. Wilson | | uncommonuncommon | SorcerySorcery | Matthew D. Wilson | $1.00$1.00 | N/AN/A |
ab89ab89 | Merfolk LooterMerfolk LooterCreature — Merfolk Rogue[WC01] | #ab89 | Uncommon | Price: $0.46 | Foil price: N/ATristan ElwellMerfolk LooterMerfolk LooterCreature — Merfolk Rogue[WC01] | #ab89 | Uncommon | Price: $0.46 | Foil price: N/ATristan Elwell | | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Merfolk RogueCreature — Merfolk Rogue | Tristan Elwell | $0.46$0.46 | N/AN/A |
ab90ab90 | Merfolk of the Pearl TridentMerfolk of the Pearl TridentCreature — Merfolk[WC01] | #ab90 | Common | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/ARay LagoMerfolk of the Pearl TridentMerfolk of the Pearl TridentCreature — Merfolk[WC01] | #ab90 | Common | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/ARay Lago | | commoncommon | Creature — MerfolkCreature — Merfolk | Ray Lago | $0.25$0.25 | N/AN/A |
tvdl91sbtvdl91sb | AddleAddleSorcery[WC01] | #tvdl91sb | Uncommon | Price: $0.49 | Foil price: N/ARon SpearsAddleAddleSorcery[WC01] | #tvdl91sb | Uncommon | Price: $0.49 | Foil price: N/ARon Spears | | uncommonuncommon | SorcerySorcery | Ron Spears | $0.49$0.49 | N/AN/A |
ab92ab92 | OppositionOppositionEnchantment[WC01] | #ab92 | Rare | Price: $1.07 | Foil price: N/AMark BrillOppositionOppositionEnchantment[WC01] | #ab92 | Rare | Price: $1.07 | Foil price: N/AMark Brill | | rarerare | EnchantmentEnchantment | Mark Brill | $1.07$1.07 | N/AN/A |
jt94jt94 | Thornscape BattlemageThornscape BattlemageCreature — Elf Wizard[WC01] | #jt94 | Uncommon | Price: $0.29 | Foil price: N/AMatt CavottaThornscape BattlemageThornscape BattlemageCreature — Elf Wizard[WC01] | #jt94 | Uncommon | Price: $0.29 | Foil price: N/AMatt Cavotta | | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Elf WizardCreature — Elf Wizard | Matt Cavotta | $0.29$0.29 | N/AN/A |
ab94sbab94sb | Prodigal SorcererProdigal SorcererCreature — Human Wizard[WC01] | #ab94sb | Common | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/ATony SzczudloProdigal SorcererProdigal SorcererCreature — Human Wizard[WC01] | #ab94sb | Common | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/ATony Szczudlo | | commoncommon | Creature — Human WizardCreature — Human Wizard | Tony Szczudlo | $0.25$0.25 | N/AN/A |
tvdl97sbtvdl97sb | Crypt AngelCrypt AngelCreature — Angel[WC01] | #tvdl97sb | Rare | Price: $0.40 | Foil price: N/ATodd LockwoodCrypt AngelCrypt AngelCreature — Angel[WC01] | #tvdl97sb | Rare | Price: $0.40 | Foil price: N/ATodd Lockwood | | rarerare | Creature — AngelCreature — Angel | Todd Lockwood | $0.40$0.40 | N/AN/A |
tvdl97tvdl97 | Crypt AngelCrypt AngelCreature — Angel[WC01] | #tvdl97 | Rare | Price: $0.59 | Foil price: N/ATodd LockwoodCrypt AngelCrypt AngelCreature — Angel[WC01] | #tvdl97 | Rare | Price: $0.59 | Foil price: N/ATodd Lockwood | | rarerare | Creature — AngelCreature — Angel | Todd Lockwood | $0.59$0.59 | N/AN/A |
ar99ar99 | Crosis's CharmCrosis's CharmInstant[WC01] | #ar99 | Uncommon | Price: $0.81 | Foil price: N/ADavid MartinCrosis's CharmCrosis's CharmInstant[WC01] | #ar99 | Uncommon | Price: $0.81 | Foil price: N/ADavid Martin | | uncommonuncommon | InstantInstant | David Martin | $0.81$0.81 | N/AN/A |
tvdl101sbtvdl101sb | Scoria CatScoria CatCreature — Cat[WC01] | #tvdl101sb | Uncommon | Price: $0.36 | Foil price: N/AAndrew GoldhawkScoria CatScoria CatCreature — Cat[WC01] | #tvdl101sb | Uncommon | Price: $0.36 | Foil price: N/AAndrew Goldhawk | | uncommonuncommon | Creature — CatCreature — Cat | Andrew Goldhawk | $0.36$0.36 | N/AN/A |
jt102jt102 | BlastodermBlastodermCreature — Beast[WC01] | #jt102 | Common | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: N/AEric PetersonBlastodermBlastodermCreature — Beast[WC01] | #jt102 | Common | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: N/AEric Peterson | | commoncommon | Creature — BeastCreature — Beast | Eric Peterson | $0.19$0.19 | N/AN/A |
ab108ab108 | ThwartThwartInstant[WC01] | #ab108 | Uncommon | Price: $1.05 | Foil price: N/AChristopher MoellerThwartThwartInstant[WC01] | #ab108 | Uncommon | Price: $1.05 | Foil price: N/AChristopher Moeller | | uncommonuncommon | InstantInstant | Christopher Moeller | $1.05$1.05 | N/AN/A |
jt113jt113 | Saproling BurstSaproling BurstEnchantment[WC01] | #jt113 | Rare | Price: $0.38 | Foil price: N/ACarl CritchlowSaproling BurstSaproling BurstEnchantment[WC01] | #jt113 | Rare | Price: $0.38 | Foil price: N/ACarl Critchlow | | rarerare | EnchantmentEnchantment | Carl Critchlow | $0.38$0.38 | N/AN/A |
ab114ab114 | Waterfront BouncerWaterfront BouncerCreature — Merfolk Spellshaper[WC01] | #ab114 | Common | Price: $0.76 | Foil price: N/APaolo ParenteWaterfront BouncerWaterfront BouncerCreature — Merfolk Spellshaper[WC01] | #ab114 | Common | Price: $0.76 | Foil price: N/APaolo Parente | | commoncommon | Creature — Merfolk SpellshaperCreature — Merfolk Spellshaper | Paolo Parente | $0.76$0.76 | N/AN/A |
tvdl119tvdl119 | Plague SpitterPlague SpitterCreature — Phyrexian Horror[WC01] | #tvdl119 | Uncommon | Price: $1.95 | Foil price: N/AChippyPlague SpitterPlague SpitterCreature — Phyrexian Horror[WC01] | #tvdl119 | Uncommon | Price: $1.95 | Foil price: N/AChippy | | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Phyrexian HorrorCreature — Phyrexian Horror | Chippy | $1.95$1.95 | N/AN/A |
jt121jt121 | SpiritmongerSpiritmongerCreature — Beast[WC01] | #jt121 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: N/AGlen AngusSpiritmongerSpiritmongerCreature — Beast[WC01] | #jt121 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: N/AGlen Angus | | rarerare | Creature — BeastCreature — Beast | Glen Angus | ------ | N/AN/A |
tvdl128tvdl128 | TerminateTerminateInstant[WC01] | #tvdl128 | Common | Price: $1.20 | Foil price: N/ADiTerlizziTerminateTerminateInstant[WC01] | #tvdl128 | Common | Price: $1.20 | Foil price: N/ADiTerlizzi | | commoncommon | InstantInstant | DiTerlizzi | $1.20$1.20 | N/AN/A |
ar128ar128 | Fire // IceFire // IceInstant[WC01] | #ar128 | Uncommon | Price: $1.11 | Foil price: N/ADavid MartinFire // IceFire // IceInstant[WC01] | #ar128 | Uncommon | Price: $1.11 | Foil price: N/ADavid Martin | | uncommonuncommon | InstantInstant | David Martin | $1.11$1.11 | N/AN/A |