1 | Always WatchingAlways WatchingEnchantment[SOI] | #1 | Rare | Price: $0.77 | Foil price: ✨$2.45Chase Stone | | rare | Enchantment | Chase Stone | $0.77 | ✨$2.45 |
2 | Angel of DeliveranceAngel of DeliveranceCreature — Angel[SOI] | #2 | Rare | Price: $0.18 | Foil price: ✨$0.53Joseph Meehan | | rare | Creature — Angel | Joseph Meehan | $0.18 | ✨$0.53 |
3 | Angelic PurgeAngelic PurgeSorcery[SOI] | #3 | Common | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ✨$0.44Zezhou Chen | | common | Sorcery | Zezhou Chen | $0.09 | ✨$0.44 |
4 | Apothecary GeistApothecary GeistCreature — Spirit[SOI] | #4 | Common | Price: $0.02 | Foil price: ✨$0.05Franz Vohwinkel | | common | Creature — Spirit | Franz Vohwinkel | $0.02 | ✨$0.05 |
5 | Archangel Avacyn // Avacyn, the PurifierArchangel Avacyn // Avacyn, the PurifierLegendary Creature — Angel[SOI] | #5 | Mythic | Price: $3.99 | Foil price: ✨$12.07James Ryman | | mythic | Legendary Creature — Angel | James Ryman | $3.99 | ✨$12.07 |
6 | Avacynian Missionaries // Lunarch InquisitorsAvacynian Missionaries // Lunarch InquisitorsCreature — Human Cleric[SOI] | #6 | Uncommon | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.27Wayne Reynolds | | uncommon | Creature — Human Cleric | Wayne Reynolds | $0.05 | ✨$0.27 |
7 | Bound by MoonsilverBound by MoonsilverEnchantment — Aura[SOI] | #7 | Uncommon | Price: $0.04 | Foil price: ✨$0.49Joseph Meehan | | uncommon | Enchantment — Aura | Joseph Meehan | $0.04 | ✨$0.49 |
8 | Bygone BishopBygone BishopCreature — Spirit Cleric[SOI] | #8 | Rare | Price: $0.17 | Foil price: ✨$0.98Jason A. Engle | | rare | Creature — Spirit Cleric | Jason A. Engle | $0.17 | ✨$0.98 |
9 | Cathar's CompanionCathar's CompanionCreature — Dog[SOI] | #9 | Common | Price: $0.02 | Foil price: ✨$0.49Svetlin Velinov | | common | Creature — Dog | Svetlin Velinov | $0.02 | ✨$0.49 |
10 | Chaplain's BlessingChaplain's BlessingSorcery[SOI] | #10 | Common | Price: $0.17 | Foil price: ✨$0.73John Stanko | | common | Sorcery | John Stanko | $0.17 | ✨$0.73 |
11 | Dauntless CatharDauntless CatharCreature — Human Soldier[SOI] | #11 | Common | Price: $0.02 | Foil price: ✨$0.23Zack Stella | | common | Creature — Human Soldier | Zack Stella | $0.02 | ✨$0.23 |
12 | Declaration in StoneDeclaration in StoneSorcery[SOI] | #12 | Rare | Price: $0.27 | Foil price: ✨$1.37Tyler Jacobson | | rare | Sorcery | Tyler Jacobson | $0.27 | ✨$1.37 |
13 | Descend upon the SinfulDescend upon the SinfulSorcery[SOI] | #13 | Mythic | Price: $0.31 | Foil price: ✨$1.78Tyler Jacobson | | mythic | Sorcery | Tyler Jacobson | $0.31 | ✨$1.78 |
14 | Devilthorn FoxDevilthorn FoxCreature — Fox[SOI] | #14 | Common | Price: $0.04 | Foil price: ✨$0.24Filip Burburan | | common | Creature — Fox | Filip Burburan | $0.04 | ✨$0.24 |
15 | Drogskol CavalryDrogskol CavalryCreature — Spirit Knight[SOI] | #15 | Rare | Price: $0.27 | Foil price: ✨$0.37Igor Kieryluk | | rare | Creature — Spirit Knight | Igor Kieryluk | $0.27 | ✨$0.37 |
16 | Eerie InterludeEerie InterludeInstant[SOI] | #16 | Rare | Price: $5.01 | Foil price: ✨$8.42Svetlin Velinov | | rare | Instant | Svetlin Velinov | $5.01 | ✨$8.42 |
17 | Emissary of the SleeplessEmissary of the SleeplessCreature — Spirit[SOI] | #17 | Common | Price: $0.08 | Foil price: ✨$0.20Igor Kieryluk | | common | Creature — Spirit | Igor Kieryluk | $0.08 | ✨$0.20 |
18 | Ethereal GuidanceEthereal GuidanceSorcery[SOI] | #18 | Common | Price: $0.04 | Foil price: ✨$0.20Ben Maier | | common | Sorcery | Ben Maier | $0.04 | ✨$0.20 |
19 | Expose EvilExpose EvilInstant[SOI] | #19 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ✨$0.43Jama Jurabaev | | common | Instant | Jama Jurabaev | $0.07 | ✨$0.43 |
20 | Gryff's BoonGryff's BoonEnchantment — Aura[SOI] | #20 | Uncommon | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: ✨$15.81Svetlin Velinov | | uncommon | Enchantment — Aura | Svetlin Velinov | $0.19 | ✨$15.81 |
21 | Hanweir Militia Captain // Westvale Cult LeaderHanweir Militia Captain // Westvale Cult LeaderCreature — Human Soldier[SOI] | #21 | Rare | Price: $0.49 | Foil price: ✨$1.48David Palumbo | | rare | Creature — Human Soldier | David Palumbo | $0.49 | ✨$1.48 |
22 | Hope Against HopeHope Against HopeEnchantment — Aura[SOI] | #22 | Uncommon | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.36David Seguin | | uncommon | Enchantment — Aura | David Seguin | $0.05 | ✨$0.36 |
23 | Humble the BruteHumble the BruteInstant[SOI] | #23 | Uncommon | Price: $0.03 | Foil price: ✨$0.20Daarken | | uncommon | Instant | Daarken | $0.03 | ✨$0.20 |
24 | Inquisitor's OxInquisitor's OxCreature — Ox[SOI] | #24 | Common | Price: $0.08 | Foil price: ---Vincent Proce | | common | Creature — Ox | Vincent Proce | $0.08 | --- |
25 | Inspiring CaptainInspiring CaptainCreature — Human Knight[SOI] | #25 | Common | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.20Ben Maier | | common | Creature — Human Knight | Ben Maier | $0.05 | ✨$0.20 |
26 | Militant InquisitorMilitant InquisitorCreature — Human Cleric[SOI] | #26 | Common | Price: $0.03 | Foil price: ✨$0.25Karl Kopinski | | common | Creature — Human Cleric | Karl Kopinski | $0.03 | ✨$0.25 |
27 | Moorland DrifterMoorland DrifterCreature — Spirit[SOI] | #27 | Common | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ---Ryan Yee | | common | Creature — Spirit | Ryan Yee | $0.05 | --- |
28 | Nahiri's MachinationsNahiri's MachinationsEnchantment[SOI] | #28 | Uncommon | Price: $0.11 | Foil price: ✨$0.67Lake Hurwitz | | uncommon | Enchantment | Lake Hurwitz | $0.11 | ✨$0.67 |
29 | Nearheath ChaplainNearheath ChaplainCreature — Human Cleric[SOI] | #29 | Uncommon | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ✨$0.38Zoltan Boros | | uncommon | Creature — Human Cleric | Zoltan Boros | $0.07 | ✨$0.38 |
30 | Not ForgottenNot ForgottenSorcery[SOI] | #30 | Uncommon | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ✨$0.66Darek Zabrocki | | uncommon | Sorcery | Darek Zabrocki | $0.07 | ✨$0.66 |
31 | Odric, Lunarch MarshalOdric, Lunarch MarshalLegendary Creature — Human Soldier[SOI] | #31 | Rare | Price: $0.52 | Foil price: ✨$7.20Chase Stone | | rare | Legendary Creature — Human Soldier | Chase Stone | $0.52 | ✨$7.20 |
32 | Open the ArmoryOpen the ArmorySorcery[SOI] | #32 | Uncommon | Price: $1.39 | Foil price: ✨$13.95Steve Prescott | | uncommon | Sorcery | Steve Prescott | $1.39 | ✨$13.95 |
33 | Paranoid Parish-BladeParanoid Parish-BladeCreature — Human Soldier[SOI] | #33 | Uncommon | Price: $0.11 | Foil price: ---Matt Stewart | | uncommon | Creature — Human Soldier | Matt Stewart | $0.11 | --- |
34 | Pious Evangel // Wayward DisciplePious Evangel // Wayward DiscipleCreature — Human Cleric[SOI] | #34 | Uncommon | Price: $0.13 | Foil price: ✨$0.72Kev Walker | | uncommon | Creature — Human Cleric | Kev Walker | $0.13 | ✨$0.72 |
35 | Puncturing LightPuncturing LightInstant[SOI] | #35 | Common | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.32Greg Staples | | common | Instant | Greg Staples | $0.05 | ✨$0.32 |
36 | Reaper of Flight MoonsilverReaper of Flight MoonsilverCreature — Angel[SOI] | #36 | Uncommon | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ✨$0.49Magali Villeneuve | | uncommon | Creature — Angel | Magali Villeneuve | $0.10 | ✨$0.49 |
37 | SilverstrikeSilverstrikeInstant[SOI] | #37 | Uncommon | Price: $0.04 | Foil price: ✨$0.24Lius Lasahido | | uncommon | Instant | Lius Lasahido | $0.04 | ✨$0.24 |
38 | Spectral ShepherdSpectral ShepherdCreature — Spirit[SOI] | #38 | Uncommon | Price: $0.04 | Foil price: ---Johann Bodin | | uncommon | Creature — Spirit | Johann Bodin | $0.04 | --- |
39 | Stern ConstableStern ConstableCreature — Human Soldier[SOI] | #39 | Common | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.28Svetlin Velinov | | common | Creature — Human Soldier | Svetlin Velinov | $0.05 | ✨$0.28 |
40 | Strength of ArmsStrength of ArmsInstant[SOI] | #40 | Common | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.16John Stanko | | common | Instant | John Stanko | $0.05 | ✨$0.16 |
41 | Survive the NightSurvive the NightInstant[SOI] | #41 | Common | Price: $0.03 | Foil price: ✨$0.30Svetlin Velinov | | common | Instant | Svetlin Velinov | $0.03 | ✨$0.30 |
42 | TenacityTenacityInstant[SOI] | #42 | Uncommon | Price: $0.08 | Foil price: ✨$0.55Zoltan Boros | | uncommon | Instant | Zoltan Boros | $0.08 | ✨$0.55 |
43 | Thalia's LieutenantThalia's LieutenantCreature — Human Soldier[SOI] | #43 | Rare | Price: $1.25 | Foil price: ✨$5.40Johannes Voss | | rare | Creature — Human Soldier | Johannes Voss | $1.25 | ✨$5.40 |
44 | Thraben InspectorThraben InspectorCreature — Human Soldier[SOI] | #44 | Common | Price: $0.16 | Foil price: ✨$2.36Matt Stewart | | common | Creature — Human Soldier | Matt Stewart | $0.16 | ✨$2.36 |
45 | TopplegeistTopplegeistCreature — Spirit[SOI] | #45 | Uncommon | Price: $0.23 | Foil price: ✨$3.84Seb McKinnon | | uncommon | Creature — Spirit | Seb McKinnon | $0.23 | ✨$3.84 |
46 | Town Gossipmonger // Incited RabbleTown Gossipmonger // Incited RabbleCreature — Human[SOI] | #46 | Uncommon | Price: $0.03 | Foil price: ✨$0.25John Stanko | | uncommon | Creature — Human | John Stanko | $0.03 | ✨$0.25 |
47 | Unruly MobUnruly MobCreature — Human[SOI] | #47 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ✨$0.14Ryan Pancoast | | common | Creature — Human | Ryan Pancoast | $0.07 | ✨$0.14 |
48 | Vessel of EphemeraVessel of EphemeraEnchantment[SOI] | #48 | Common | Price: $0.02 | Foil price: ---Kieran Yanner | | common | Enchantment | Kieran Yanner | $0.02 | --- |
49 | Aberrant Researcher // Perfected FormAberrant Researcher // Perfected FormCreature — Human Insect[SOI] | #49 | Uncommon | Price: $0.06 | Foil price: ✨$0.18Nils Hamm | | uncommon | Creature — Human Insect | Nils Hamm | $0.06 | ✨$0.18 |
50 | Broken ConcentrationBroken ConcentrationInstant[SOI] | #50 | Uncommon | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ✨$0.57Clint Cearley | | uncommon | Instant | Clint Cearley | $0.07 | ✨$0.57 |
51 | CatalogCatalogInstant[SOI] | #51 | Common | Price: $0.04 | Foil price: ✨$0.33Johannes Voss | | common | Instant | Johannes Voss | $0.04 | ✨$0.33 |
52 | Compelling DeterrenceCompelling DeterrenceInstant[SOI] | #52 | Uncommon | Price: $0.08 | Foil price: ✨$0.34Seb McKinnon | | uncommon | Instant | Seb McKinnon | $0.08 | ✨$0.34 |