1 | Aura BlastAura BlastInstant[PLS] | #1 | Common | Price: $0.20 | Foil price: ✨$1.71Ron Walotsky | | common | Instant | Ron Walotsky | $0.20 | ✨$1.71 |
2 | Aurora GriffinAurora GriffinCreature — Griffin[PLS] | #2 | Common | Price: $0.13 | Foil price: ---Ciruelo | | common | Creature — Griffin | Ciruelo | $0.13 | --- |
3 | Disciple of KangeeDisciple of KangeeCreature — Human Wizard[PLS] | #3 | Common | Price: $0.08 | Foil price: ✨$0.39Wayne England | | common | Creature — Human Wizard | Wayne England | $0.08 | ✨$0.39 |
4 | Dominaria's JudgmentDominaria's JudgmentInstant[PLS] | #4 | Rare | Price: $0.36 | Foil price: ✨$8.20John Avon | | rare | Instant | John Avon | $0.36 | ✨$8.20 |
5 | Guard DogsGuard DogsCreature — Dog[PLS] | #5 | Uncommon | Price: $0.20 | Foil price: ✨$1.44Mike Raabe | | uncommon | Creature — Dog | Mike Raabe | $0.20 | ✨$1.44 |
6 | Heroic DefianceHeroic DefianceEnchantment — Aura[PLS] | #6 | Common | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ✨$0.47Terese Nielsen | | common | Enchantment — Aura | Terese Nielsen | $0.10 | ✨$0.47 |
7 | HobbleHobbleEnchantment — Aura[PLS] | #7 | Common | Price: $0.21 | Foil price: ✨$1.23Alan Pollack | | common | Enchantment — Aura | Alan Pollack | $0.21 | ✨$1.23 |
8 | Honorable ScoutHonorable ScoutCreature — Human Soldier Scout[PLS] | #8 | Common | Price: $0.26 | Foil price: ✨$0.53Mike Ploog | | common | Creature — Human Soldier Scout | Mike Ploog | $0.26 | ✨$0.53 |
9 | Lashknife BarrierLashknife BarrierEnchantment[PLS] | #9 | Uncommon | Price: $0.24 | Foil price: ✨$9.99Paolo Parente | | uncommon | Enchantment | Paolo Parente | $0.24 | ✨$9.99 |
10 | March of SoulsMarch of SoulsSorcery[PLS] | #10 | Rare | Price: $3.21 | Foil price: ✨$11.02Marc Fishman | | rare | Sorcery | Marc Fishman | $3.21 | ✨$11.02 |
11 | Orim's ChantOrim's ChantInstant[PLS] | #11 | Rare | Price: $11.81 | Foil price: ✨$134.88Kev Walker | | rare | Instant | Kev Walker | $11.81 | ✨$134.88 |
12 | Planeswalker's MirthPlaneswalker's MirthEnchantment[PLS] | #12 | Rare | Price: $0.32 | Foil price: ✨$2.36John Matson | | rare | Enchantment | John Matson | $0.32 | ✨$2.36 |
13 | Pollen RemedyPollen RemedyInstant[PLS] | #13 | Common | Price: $0.17 | Foil price: ✨$3.95Ben Thompson | | common | Instant | Ben Thompson | $0.17 | ✨$3.95 |
14 | Samite ElderSamite ElderCreature — Human Cleric[PLS] | #14 | Rare | Price: $0.57 | Foil price: ✨$12.66Terese Nielsen | | rare | Creature — Human Cleric | Terese Nielsen | $0.57 | ✨$12.66 |
15 | Samite PilgrimSamite PilgrimCreature — Human Cleric[PLS] | #15 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ✨$0.56D. J. Cleland-Hura | | common | Creature — Human Cleric | D. J. Cleland-Hura | $0.07 | ✨$0.56 |
16 | Sunscape BattlemageSunscape BattlemageCreature — Human Wizard[PLS] | #16 | Uncommon | Price: $0.13 | Foil price: ✨$2.97Tony Szczudlo | | uncommon | Creature — Human Wizard | Tony Szczudlo | $0.13 | ✨$2.97 |
17 | Sunscape FamiliarSunscape FamiliarCreature — Wall[PLS] | #17 | Common | Price: $3.48 | Foil price: ✨$39.38Brian Despain | | common | Creature — Wall | Brian Despain | $3.48 | ✨$39.38 |
18 | Surprise DeploymentSurprise DeploymentInstant[PLS] | #18 | Uncommon | Price: $0.24 | Foil price: ✨$1.76Bradley Williams | | uncommon | Instant | Bradley Williams | $0.24 | ✨$1.76 |
19 | Voice of AllVoice of AllCreature — Angel[PLS] | #19 | Uncommon | Price: $0.26 | Foil price: ✨$10.67rk post | | uncommon | Creature — Angel | rk post | $0.26 | ✨$10.67 |
20 | Allied StrategiesAllied StrategiesSorcery[PLS] | #20 | Uncommon | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: ✨$0.99Paolo Parente | | uncommon | Sorcery | Paolo Parente | $0.19 | ✨$0.99 |
21 | Arctic MerfolkArctic MerfolkCreature — Merfolk[PLS] | #21 | Common | Price: $0.17 | Foil price: ✨$2.83Ron Spears | | common | Creature — Merfolk | Ron Spears | $0.17 | ✨$2.83 |
22 | ConfoundConfoundInstant[PLS] | #22 | Common | Price: $0.16 | Foil price: ✨$3.53Doug Chaffee | | common | Instant | Doug Chaffee | $0.16 | ✨$3.53 |
23 | Dralnu's PetDralnu's PetCreature — Shapeshifter[PLS] | #23 | Rare | Price: $0.24 | Foil price: ✨$1.49Glen Angus | | rare | Creature — Shapeshifter | Glen Angus | $0.24 | ✨$1.49 |
24 | Ertai's TrickeryErtai's TrickeryInstant[PLS] | #24 | Uncommon | Price: $0.11 | Foil price: ---Kev Walker | | uncommon | Instant | Kev Walker | $0.11 | --- |
25 | Escape RoutesEscape RoutesEnchantment[PLS] | #25 | Common | Price: $0.15 | Foil price: ✨$3.40Marc Fishman | | common | Enchantment | Marc Fishman | $0.15 | ✨$3.40 |
26 | GainsayGainsayInstant[PLS] | #26 | Uncommon | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: ✨$2.31Roger Raupp | | uncommon | Instant | Roger Raupp | $0.25 | ✨$2.31 |
27 | Hunting DrakeHunting DrakeCreature — Drake[PLS] | #27 | Common | Price: $0.08 | Foil price: ✨$0.49Wayne England | | common | Creature — Drake | Wayne England | $0.08 | ✨$0.49 |
28 | Planar OverlayPlanar OverlaySorcery[PLS] | #28 | Rare | Price: $0.27 | Foil price: ✨$2.93Ron Walotsky | | rare | Sorcery | Ron Walotsky | $0.27 | ✨$2.93 |
29 | Planeswalker's MischiefPlaneswalker's MischiefEnchantment[PLS] | #29 | Rare | Price: $0.40 | Foil price: ✨$4.32Pete Venters | | rare | Enchantment | Pete Venters | $0.40 | ✨$4.32 |
30 | Rushing RiverRushing RiverInstant[PLS] | #30 | Common | Price: $0.17 | Foil price: ✨$6.49Don Hazeltine | | common | Instant | Don Hazeltine | $0.17 | ✨$6.49 |
31 | Sea SniddSea SniddCreature — Beast[PLS] | #31 | Common | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ✨$0.24Chippy | | common | Creature — Beast | Chippy | $0.10 | ✨$0.24 |
32 | Shifting SkyShifting SkyEnchantment[PLS] | #32 | Uncommon | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: ✨$5.00Jerry Tiritilli | | uncommon | Enchantment | Jerry Tiritilli | $0.19 | ✨$5.00 |
33 | Sisay's IngenuitySisay's IngenuityEnchantment — Aura[PLS] | #33 | Common | Price: $0.11 | Foil price: ✨$0.51Paolo Parente | | common | Enchantment — Aura | Paolo Parente | $0.11 | ✨$0.51 |
34 | Sleeping PotionSleeping PotionEnchantment — Aura[PLS] | #34 | Common | Price: $0.12 | Foil price: ✨$0.32Daren Bader | | common | Enchantment — Aura | Daren Bader | $0.12 | ✨$0.32 |
35 | Stormscape BattlemageStormscape BattlemageCreature — Metathran Wizard[PLS] | #35 | Uncommon | Price: $0.22 | Foil price: ✨$2.99Christopher Moeller | | uncommon | Creature — Metathran Wizard | Christopher Moeller | $0.22 | ✨$2.99 |
36 | Stormscape FamiliarStormscape FamiliarCreature — Bird[PLS] | #36 | Common | Price: $0.30 | Foil price: ✨$9.25Heather Hudson | | common | Creature — Bird | Heather Hudson | $0.30 | ✨$9.25 |
37 | Sunken HopeSunken HopeEnchantment[PLS] | #37 | Rare | Price: $0.28 | Foil price: ✨$5.50Greg Staples | | rare | Enchantment | Greg Staples | $0.28 | ✨$5.50 |
38 | Waterspout ElementalWaterspout ElementalCreature — Elemental[PLS] | #38 | Rare | Price: $0.32 | Foil price: ✨$0.79Mark Romanoski | | rare | Creature — Elemental | Mark Romanoski | $0.32 | ✨$0.79 |
39 | Bog DownBog DownSorcery[PLS] | #39 | Common | Price: $0.12 | Foil price: ✨$0.47Andrew Goldhawk | | common | Sorcery | Andrew Goldhawk | $0.12 | ✨$0.47 |
40 | Dark SuspicionsDark SuspicionsEnchantment[PLS] | #40 | Rare | Price: $0.40 | Foil price: ✨$10.04Matt Cavotta | | rare | Enchantment | Matt Cavotta | $0.40 | ✨$10.04 |
41 | Death BombDeath BombInstant[PLS] | #41 | Common | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ✨$0.43Dan Frazier | | common | Instant | Dan Frazier | $0.09 | ✨$0.43 |
42 | Diabolic IntentDiabolic IntentSorcery[PLS] | #42 | Rare | Price: $16.08 | Foil price: ✨$359.79Dave Dorman | | rare | Sorcery | Dave Dorman | $16.08 | ✨$359.79 |
43 | Exotic DiseaseExotic DiseaseSorcery[PLS] | #43 | Uncommon | Price: $0.13 | Foil price: ✨$0.79Kev Walker | | uncommon | Sorcery | Kev Walker | $0.13 | ✨$0.79 |
44 | Lord of the UndeadLord of the UndeadCreature — Zombie[PLS] | #44 | Rare | Price: $11.28 | Foil price: ✨$59.37Brom | | rare | Creature — Zombie | Brom | $11.28 | ✨$59.37 |
45 | Maggot CarrierMaggot CarrierCreature — Zombie[PLS] | #45 | Common | Price: $0.21 | Foil price: ✨$2.47Ron Spencer | | common | Creature — Zombie | Ron Spencer | $0.21 | ✨$2.47 |
46 | Morgue ToadMorgue ToadCreature — Frog[PLS] | #46 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ✨$0.95Franz Vohwinkel | | common | Creature — Frog | Franz Vohwinkel | $0.07 | ✨$0.95 |
47 | Nightscape BattlemageNightscape BattlemageCreature — Zombie Wizard[PLS] | #47 | Uncommon | Price: $0.20 | Foil price: ✨$1.69Andrew Goldhawk | | uncommon | Creature — Zombie Wizard | Andrew Goldhawk | $0.20 | ✨$1.69 |
48 | Nightscape FamiliarNightscape FamiliarCreature — Zombie[PLS] | #48 | Common | Price: $0.57 | Foil price: ✨$18.73Jeff Easley | | common | Creature — Zombie | Jeff Easley | $0.57 | ✨$18.73 |
49 | Noxious VaporsNoxious VaporsSorcery[PLS] | #49 | Uncommon | Price: $0.29 | Foil price: ✨$3.69Ben Thompson | | uncommon | Sorcery | Ben Thompson | $0.29 | ✨$3.69 |
50 | Phyrexian BloodstockPhyrexian BloodstockCreature — Phyrexian Zombie[PLS] | #50 | Common | Price: $0.11 | Foil price: ✨$0.26Mark Tedin | | common | Creature — Phyrexian Zombie | Mark Tedin | $0.11 | ✨$0.26 |
51 | Phyrexian ScutaPhyrexian ScutaCreature — Phyrexian Zombie[PLS] | #51 | Rare | Price: $0.50 | Foil price: ✨$21.75Scott M. Fischer | | rare | Creature — Phyrexian Zombie | Scott M. Fischer | $0.50 | ✨$21.75 |
52 | Planeswalker's ScornPlaneswalker's ScornEnchantment[PLS] | #52 | Rare | Price: $0.21 | Foil price: ✨$3.49Glen Angus | | rare | Enchantment | Glen Angus | $0.21 | ✨$3.49 |