1 | Cataclysmic GearhulkCataclysmic GearhulkArtifact Creature — Construct[MPS] | #1 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$27.48Jason Rainville | | special | Artifact Creature — Construct | Jason Rainville | N/A | ✨$27.48 |
2 | Torrential GearhulkTorrential GearhulkArtifact Creature — Construct[MPS] | #2 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$47.04Jakub Kasper | | special | Artifact Creature — Construct | Jakub Kasper | N/A | ✨$47.04 |
3 | Noxious GearhulkNoxious GearhulkArtifact Creature — Construct[MPS] | #3 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$62.09Vincent Proce | | special | Artifact Creature — Construct | Vincent Proce | N/A | ✨$62.09 |
4 | Combustible GearhulkCombustible GearhulkArtifact Creature — Construct[MPS] | #4 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$53.32Greg Opalinski | | special | Artifact Creature — Construct | Greg Opalinski | N/A | ✨$53.32 |
5 | Verdurous GearhulkVerdurous GearhulkArtifact Creature — Construct[MPS] | #5 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$31.11Zack Stella | | special | Artifact Creature — Construct | Zack Stella | N/A | ✨$31.11 |
6 | Aether VialAether VialArtifact[MPS] | #6 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$83.00Raoul Vitale | | special | Artifact | Raoul Vitale | N/A | ✨$83.00 |
7 | Champion's HelmChampion's HelmArtifact — Equipment[MPS] | #7 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$45.98Lindsey Look | | special | Artifact — Equipment | Lindsey Look | N/A | ✨$45.98 |
8 | Chromatic LanternChromatic LanternArtifact[MPS] | #8 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$90.94Yeong-Hao Han | | special | Artifact | Yeong-Hao Han | N/A | ✨$90.94 |
9 | Chrome MoxChrome MoxArtifact[MPS] | #9 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$417.56Kieran Yanner | | special | Artifact | Kieran Yanner | N/A | ✨$417.56 |
10 | Cloudstone CurioCloudstone CurioArtifact[MPS] | #10 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$92.75Noah Bradley | | special | Artifact | Noah Bradley | N/A | ✨$92.75 |
11 | Crucible of WorldsCrucible of WorldsArtifact[MPS] | #11 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$111.02Chris Rahn | | special | Artifact | Chris Rahn | N/A | ✨$111.02 |
12 | Gauntlet of PowerGauntlet of PowerArtifact[MPS] | #12 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$50.80John Severin Brassell | | special | Artifact | John Severin Brassell | N/A | ✨$50.80 |
13 | Hangarback WalkerHangarback WalkerArtifact Creature — Construct[MPS] | #13 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$68.74Adam Paquette | | special | Artifact Creature — Construct | Adam Paquette | N/A | ✨$68.74 |
14 | Lightning GreavesLightning GreavesArtifact — Equipment[MPS] | #14 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$220.67Slawomir Maniak | | special | Artifact — Equipment | Slawomir Maniak | N/A | ✨$220.67 |
15 | Lotus PetalLotus PetalArtifact[MPS] | #15 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$465.39Slawomir Maniak | | special | Artifact | Slawomir Maniak | N/A | ✨$465.39 |
16 | Mana CryptMana CryptArtifact[MPS] | #16 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$595.09Volkan Baǵa | | special | Artifact | Volkan Baǵa | N/A | ✨$595.09 |
17 | Mana VaultMana VaultArtifact[MPS] | #17 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$472.37Kirsten Zirngibl | | special | Artifact | Kirsten Zirngibl | N/A | ✨$472.37 |
18 | Mind's EyeMind's EyeArtifact[MPS] | #18 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$43.47David Gaillet | | special | Artifact | David Gaillet | N/A | ✨$43.47 |
19 | Mox OpalMox OpalLegendary Artifact[MPS] | #19 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$562.24Chris Rahn | | special | Legendary Artifact | Chris Rahn | N/A | ✨$562.24 |
20 | Painter's ServantPainter's ServantArtifact Creature — Scarecrow[MPS] | #20 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$147.17Magali Villeneuve | | special | Artifact Creature — Scarecrow | Magali Villeneuve | N/A | ✨$147.17 |
21 | Rings of BrighthearthRings of BrighthearthArtifact[MPS] | #21 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$74.19Yeong-Hao Han | | special | Artifact | Yeong-Hao Han | N/A | ✨$74.19 |
22 | Scroll RackScroll RackArtifact[MPS] | #22 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$114.54Jason A. Engle | | special | Artifact | Jason A. Engle | N/A | ✨$114.54 |
23 | Sculpting SteelSculpting SteelArtifact[MPS] | #23 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$63.34Magali Villeneuve | | special | Artifact | Magali Villeneuve | N/A | ✨$63.34 |
24 | Sol RingSol RingArtifact[MPS] | #24 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$770.86Volkan Baǵa | | special | Artifact | Volkan Baǵa | N/A | ✨$770.86 |
25 | Solemn SimulacrumSolemn SimulacrumArtifact Creature — Golem[MPS] | #25 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$78.24Daarken | | special | Artifact Creature — Golem | Daarken | N/A | ✨$78.24 |
26 | Static OrbStatic OrbArtifact[MPS] | #26 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$70.79Tommy Arnold | | special | Artifact | Tommy Arnold | N/A | ✨$70.79 |
27 | Steel OverseerSteel OverseerArtifact Creature — Construct[MPS] | #27 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$44.02Adam Paquette | | special | Artifact Creature — Construct | Adam Paquette | N/A | ✨$44.02 |
28 | Sword of Feast and FamineSword of Feast and FamineArtifact — Equipment[MPS] | #28 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$219.63Steven Belledin | | special | Artifact — Equipment | Steven Belledin | N/A | ✨$219.63 |
29 | Sword of Fire and IceSword of Fire and IceArtifact — Equipment[MPS] | #29 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$127.40Volkan Baǵa | | special | Artifact — Equipment | Volkan Baǵa | N/A | ✨$127.40 |
30 | Sword of Light and ShadowSword of Light and ShadowArtifact — Equipment[MPS] | #30 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$81.70Matt Stewart | | special | Artifact — Equipment | Matt Stewart | N/A | ✨$81.70 |
31 | Arcbound RavagerArcbound RavagerArtifact Creature — Beast[MPS] | #31 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$69.20Daarken | | special | Artifact Creature — Beast | Daarken | N/A | ✨$69.20 |
32 | Black ViseBlack ViseArtifact[MPS] | #32 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$36.41Igor Kieryluk | | special | Artifact | Igor Kieryluk | N/A | ✨$36.41 |
33 | Chalice of the VoidChalice of the VoidArtifact[MPS] | #33 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$211.33Kieran Yanner | | special | Artifact | Kieran Yanner | N/A | ✨$211.33 |
34 | Defense GridDefense GridArtifact[MPS] | #34 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$84.64Jonas De Ro | | special | Artifact | Jonas De Ro | N/A | ✨$84.64 |
35 | DuplicantDuplicantArtifact Creature — Shapeshifter[MPS] | #35 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$41.79Slawomir Maniak | | special | Artifact Creature — Shapeshifter | Slawomir Maniak | N/A | ✨$41.79 |
36 | Engineered ExplosivesEngineered ExplosivesArtifact[MPS] | #36 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$75.65James Paick | | special | Artifact | James Paick | N/A | ✨$75.65 |
37 | Ensnaring BridgeEnsnaring BridgeArtifact[MPS] | #37 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$88.13Florian de Gesincourt | | special | Artifact | Florian de Gesincourt | N/A | ✨$88.13 |
38 | Extraplanar LensExtraplanar LensArtifact[MPS] | #38 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$64.32Noah Bradley | | special | Artifact | Noah Bradley | N/A | ✨$64.32 |
39 | GrindstoneGrindstoneArtifact[MPS] | #39 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$94.98Johann Bodin | | special | Artifact | Johann Bodin | N/A | ✨$94.98 |
40 | MeekstoneMeekstoneArtifact[MPS] | #40 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$77.21Steve Argyle | | special | Artifact | Steve Argyle | N/A | ✨$77.21 |
41 | Oblivion StoneOblivion StoneArtifact[MPS] | #41 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$61.71Yeong-Hao Han | | special | Artifact | Yeong-Hao Han | N/A | ✨$61.71 |
42 | OrnithopterOrnithopterArtifact Creature — Thopter[MPS] | #42 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$88.99Howard Lyon | | special | Artifact Creature — Thopter | Howard Lyon | N/A | ✨$88.99 |
43 | Paradox EngineParadox EngineLegendary Artifact[MPS] | #43 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$111.62Vincent Proce | | special | Legendary Artifact | Vincent Proce | N/A | ✨$111.62 |
44 | Pithing NeedlePithing NeedleArtifact[MPS] | #44 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$83.21Joseph Meehan | | special | Artifact | Joseph Meehan | N/A | ✨$83.21 |
45 | Planar BridgePlanar BridgeLegendary Artifact[MPS] | #45 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$51.85Raymond Swanland | | special | Legendary Artifact | Raymond Swanland | N/A | ✨$51.85 |
46 | Platinum AngelPlatinum AngelArtifact Creature — Angel[MPS] | #46 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$136.43Victor Adame Minguez | | special | Artifact Creature — Angel | Victor Adame Minguez | N/A | ✨$136.43 |
47 | Sphere of ResistanceSphere of ResistanceArtifact[MPS] | #47 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$71.39Richard Wright | | special | Artifact | Richard Wright | N/A | ✨$71.39 |
48 | Staff of DominationStaff of DominationArtifact[MPS] | #48 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$83.44Zezhou Chen | | special | Artifact | Zezhou Chen | N/A | ✨$83.44 |
49 | Sundering TitanSundering TitanArtifact Creature — Golem[MPS] | #49 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$63.67Lius Lasahido | | special | Artifact Creature — Golem | Lius Lasahido | N/A | ✨$63.67 |
50 | Sword of Body and MindSword of Body and MindArtifact — Equipment[MPS] | #50 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$70.85Mark Zug | | special | Artifact — Equipment | Mark Zug | N/A | ✨$70.85 |
51 | Sword of War and PeaceSword of War and PeaceArtifact — Equipment[MPS] | #51 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$81.55Filip Burburan | | special | Artifact — Equipment | Filip Burburan | N/A | ✨$81.55 |
52 | TrinisphereTrinisphereArtifact[MPS] | #52 | Special | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$160.31Daniel Ljunggren | | special | Artifact | Daniel Ljunggren | N/A | ✨$160.31 |