Showing 25 of 25
Nr | NameCard name and typeCards | Cost | Rarity | Type | Artist | Price | Price foil |
11 | Nyx-Fleece RamNyx-Fleece Ram Enchantment Creature — Sheep[HA2] | #1 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Terese NielsenNyx-Fleece RamNyx-Fleece Ram Enchantment Creature — Sheep[HA2] | #1 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Terese Nielsen | uncommonuncommon | Enchantment Creature — SheepEnchantment Creature — Sheep | ------ | ------ | ||
22 | Ranger of EosRanger of Eos Creature — Human Soldier Ranger[HA2] | #2 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Volkan BaǵaRanger of EosRanger of Eos Creature — Human Soldier Ranger[HA2] | #2 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Volkan Baǵa | rarerare | Creature — Human Soldier RangerCreature — Human Soldier Ranger | ------ | ------ | ||
33 | Sigil of the Empty ThroneSigil of the Empty Throne Enchantment[HA2] | #3 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Cyril Van Der HaegenSigil of the Empty ThroneSigil of the Empty Throne Enchantment[HA2] | #3 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Cyril Van Der Haegen | rarerare | EnchantmentEnchantment | ------ | ------ | ||
44 | Thalia, Guardian of ThrabenThalia, Guardian of Thraben Legendary Creature — Human Soldier[HA2] | #4 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jana Schirmer & Johannes VossThalia, Guardian of ThrabenThalia, Guardian of Thraben Legendary Creature — Human Soldier[HA2] | #4 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jana Schirmer & Johannes Voss | rarerare | Legendary Creature — Human SoldierLegendary Creature — Human Soldier | ------ | ------ | ||
55 | Merrow ReejereyMerrow Reejerey Creature — Merfolk Soldier[HA2] | #5 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Greg StaplesMerrow ReejereyMerrow Reejerey Creature — Merfolk Soldier[HA2] | #5 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Greg Staples | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Merfolk SoldierCreature — Merfolk Soldier | ------ | ------ | ||
66 | Inexorable TideInexorable Tide Enchantment[HA2] | #6 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Dave KendallInexorable TideInexorable Tide Enchantment[HA2] | #6 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Dave Kendall | rarerare | EnchantmentEnchantment | ------ | ------ | ||
77 | Brain MaggotBrain Maggot Enchantment Creature — Insect[HA2] | #7 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Min YumBrain MaggotBrain Maggot Enchantment Creature — Insect[HA2] | #7 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Min Yum | uncommonuncommon | Enchantment Creature — InsectEnchantment Creature — Insect | ------ | ------ | ||
88 | Pack RatPack Rat Creature — Rat[HA2] | #8 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kev WalkerPack RatPack Rat Creature — Rat[HA2] | #8 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kev Walker | rarerare | Creature — RatCreature — Rat | ------ | ------ | ||
99 | Virulent PlagueVirulent Plague Enchantment[HA2] | #9 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Johann BodinVirulent PlagueVirulent Plague Enchantment[HA2] | #9 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Johann Bodin | uncommonuncommon | EnchantmentEnchantment | ------ | ------ | ||
1010 | Waste NotWaste Not Enchantment[HA2] | #10 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Matt StewartWaste NotWaste Not Enchantment[HA2] | #10 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Matt Stewart | rarerare | EnchantmentEnchantment | ------ | ------ | ||
1111 | Dragonmaster OutcastDragonmaster Outcast Creature — Human Shaman[HA2] | #11 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Raymond SwanlandDragonmaster OutcastDragonmaster Outcast Creature — Human Shaman[HA2] | #11 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Raymond Swanland | mythicmythic | Creature — Human ShamanCreature — Human Shaman | ------ | ------ | ||
1212 | Goblin RuinblasterGoblin Ruinblaster Creature — Goblin Shaman[HA2] | #12 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Matt CavottaGoblin RuinblasterGoblin Ruinblaster Creature — Goblin Shaman[HA2] | #12 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Matt Cavotta | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Goblin ShamanCreature — Goblin Shaman | ------ | ------ | ||
1313 | Ancestral MaskAncestral Mask Enchantment — Aura[HA2] | #13 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Massimilano FrezzatoAncestral MaskAncestral Mask Enchantment — Aura[HA2] | #13 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Massimilano Frezzato | commoncommon | Enchantment — AuraEnchantment — Aura | ------ | ------ | ||
1414 | TerravoreTerravore Creature — Lhurgoyf[HA2] | #14 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jim NelsonTerravoreTerravore Creature — Lhurgoyf[HA2] | #14 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jim Nelson | rarerare | Creature — LhurgoyfCreature — Lhurgoyf | ------ | ------ | ||
1515 | Knight of the ReliquaryKnight of the Reliquary Creature — Human Knight[HA2] | #15 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Michael KomarckKnight of the ReliquaryKnight of the Reliquary Creature — Human Knight[HA2] | #15 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Michael Komarck | rarerare | Creature — Human KnightCreature — Human Knight | ------ | ------ | ||
1616 | Maelstrom PulseMaelstrom Pulse Sorcery[HA2] | #16 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Anthony FranciscoMaelstrom PulseMaelstrom Pulse Sorcery[HA2] | #16 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Anthony Francisco | rarerare | SorcerySorcery | ------ | ------ | ||
1717 | Meddling MageMeddling Mage Creature — Human Wizard[HA2] | #17 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Todd LockwoodMeddling MageMeddling Mage Creature — Human Wizard[HA2] | #17 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Todd Lockwood | rarerare | Creature — Human WizardCreature — Human Wizard | ------ | ------ | ||
1818 | Platinum AngelPlatinum Angel Artifact Creature — Angel[HA2] | #18 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---BromPlatinum AngelPlatinum Angel Artifact Creature — Angel[HA2] | #18 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Brom | mythicmythic | Artifact Creature — AngelArtifact Creature — Angel | ------ | ------ | ||
1919 | Barren MoorBarren MoorLand[HA2] | #19 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Heather HudsonBarren MoorBarren MoorLand[HA2] | #19 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Heather Hudson | commoncommon | LandLand | ------ | ------ | ||
2020 | Bojuka BogBojuka BogLand[HA2] | #20 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Howard LyonBojuka BogBojuka BogLand[HA2] | #20 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Howard Lyon | commoncommon | LandLand | ------ | ------ | ||
2121 | Forgotten CaveForgotten CaveLand[HA2] | #21 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Tony SzczudloForgotten CaveForgotten CaveLand[HA2] | #21 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Tony Szczudlo | commoncommon | LandLand | ------ | ------ | ||
2222 | Ghost QuarterGhost QuarterLand[HA2] | #22 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Peter MohrbacherGhost QuarterGhost QuarterLand[HA2] | #22 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Peter Mohrbacher | uncommonuncommon | LandLand | ------ | ------ | ||
2323 | Lonely SandbarLonely SandbarLand[HA2] | #23 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Heather HudsonLonely SandbarLonely SandbarLand[HA2] | #23 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Heather Hudson | commoncommon | LandLand | ------ | ------ | ||
2424 | Secluded SteppeSecluded SteppeLand[HA2] | #24 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Heather HudsonSecluded SteppeSecluded SteppeLand[HA2] | #24 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Heather Hudson | commoncommon | LandLand | ------ | ------ | ||
2525 | Tranquil ThicketTranquil ThicketLand[HA2] | #25 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Heather HudsonTranquil ThicketTranquil ThicketLand[HA2] | #25 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Heather Hudson | commoncommon | LandLand | ------ | ------ |