1 | Air ElementalAir ElementalCreature — Elemental[BTD] | #1 | Uncommon | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: N/ADoug Chaffee | | uncommon | Creature — Elemental | Doug Chaffee | $0.19 | N/A |
2 | Blizzard ElementalBlizzard ElementalCreature — Elemental[BTD] | #2 | Rare | Price: $0.30 | Foil price: N/AThomas M. Baxa | | rare | Creature — Elemental | Thomas M. Baxa | $0.30 | N/A |
3 | BrainstormBrainstormInstant[BTD] | #3 | Common | Price: $2.09 | Foil price: N/AChristopher Rush | | common | Instant | Christopher Rush | $2.09 | N/A |
4 | Cloud DjinnCloud DjinnCreature — Djinn[BTD] | #4 | Uncommon | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: N/AMike Dringenberg | | uncommon | Creature — Djinn | Mike Dringenberg | $0.19 | N/A |
5 | Cloud ElementalCloud ElementalCreature — Elemental[BTD] | #5 | Common | Price: $0.15 | Foil price: N/AAdam Rex | | common | Creature — Elemental | Adam Rex | $0.15 | N/A |
6 | CounterspellCounterspellInstant[BTD] | #6 | Common | Price: $2.77 | Foil price: N/AAllen Williams | | common | Instant | Allen Williams | $2.77 | N/A |
7 | Fog ElementalFog ElementalCreature — Elemental[BTD] | #7 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: N/AJon J Muth | | common | Creature — Elemental | Jon J Muth | $0.14 | N/A |
8 | Gaseous FormGaseous FormEnchantment — Aura[BTD] | #8 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: N/ARoger Raupp | | common | Enchantment — Aura | Roger Raupp | $0.14 | N/A |
9 | Giant CrabGiant CrabCreature — Crab[BTD] | #9 | Common | Price: $0.15 | Foil price: N/ATom Kyffin | | common | Creature — Crab | Tom Kyffin | $0.15 | N/A |
10 | ImpulseImpulseInstant[BTD] | #10 | Common | Price: $1.21 | Foil price: N/ABryan Talbot | | common | Instant | Bryan Talbot | $1.21 | N/A |
11 | Killer WhaleKiller WhaleCreature — Whale[BTD] | #11 | Uncommon | Price: $0.24 | Foil price: N/AStephen Daniele | | uncommon | Creature — Whale | Stephen Daniele | $0.24 | N/A |
12 | LeviathanLeviathanCreature — Leviathan[BTD] | #12 | Rare | Price: $0.26 | Foil price: N/AMark Tedin | | rare | Creature — Leviathan | Mark Tedin | $0.26 | N/A |
13 | Mahamoti DjinnMahamoti DjinnCreature — Djinn[BTD] | #13 | Rare | Price: $0.29 | Foil price: N/ADan Frazier | | rare | Creature — Djinn | Dan Frazier | $0.29 | N/A |
14 | Power SinkPower SinkInstant[BTD] | #14 | Common | Price: $1.96 | Foil price: N/AMark Poole | | common | Instant | Mark Poole | $1.96 | N/A |
15 | Snapping DrakeSnapping DrakeCreature — Drake[BTD] | #15 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: N/AChristopher Rush | | common | Creature — Drake | Christopher Rush | $0.14 | N/A |
16 | Tolarian WindsTolarian WindsInstant[BTD] | #16 | Common | Price: $1.31 | Foil price: N/ALawrence Snelly | | common | Instant | Lawrence Snelly | $1.31 | N/A |
17 | Vigilant DrakeVigilant DrakeCreature — Drake[BTD] | #17 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: N/AGreg Staples | | common | Creature — Drake | Greg Staples | $0.14 | N/A |
18 | Wayward SoulWayward SoulCreature — Spirit[BTD] | #18 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: N/AM. W. Kaluta & DiTerlizzi | | common | Creature — Spirit | M. W. KalutaDiTerlizzi | $0.14 | N/A |
19 | Bone HarvestBone HarvestInstant[BTD] | #19 | Common | Price: $0.50 | Foil price: N/AGreg Simanson | | common | Instant | Greg Simanson | $0.50 | N/A |
20 | CoercionCoercionSorcery[BTD] | #20 | Common | Price: $0.17 | Foil price: N/APete Venters | | common | Sorcery | Pete Venters | $0.17 | N/A |
21 | Dark RitualDark RitualInstant[BTD] | #21 | Common | Price: $2.31 | Foil price: N/AClint Langley | | common | Instant | Clint Langley | $2.31 | N/A |
22 | Death StrokeDeath StrokeSorcery[BTD] | #22 | Common | Price: $0.34 | Foil price: N/AColin MacNeil | | common | Sorcery | Colin MacNeil | $0.34 | N/A |
23 | Diabolic EdictDiabolic EdictInstant[BTD] | #23 | Common | Price: $0.85 | Foil price: N/ARon Spencer | | common | Instant | Ron Spencer | $0.85 | N/A |
24 | Drain LifeDrain LifeSorcery[BTD] | #24 | Common | Price: $0.70 | Foil price: N/AAndrew Robinson | | common | Sorcery | Andrew Robinson | $0.70 | N/A |
25 | Fallen AngelFallen AngelCreature — Angel[BTD] | #25 | Rare | Price: $0.32 | Foil price: N/AAnson Maddocks | | rare | Creature — Angel | Anson Maddocks | $0.32 | N/A |
26 | Feral ShadowFeral ShadowCreature — Nightstalker[BTD] | #26 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: N/ACliff Nielsen | | common | Creature — Nightstalker | Cliff Nielsen | $0.14 | N/A |
27 | GravediggerGravediggerCreature — Zombie[BTD] | #27 | Common | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: N/ADermot Power | | common | Creature — Zombie | Dermot Power | $0.09 | N/A |
28 | Hollow DogsHollow DogsCreature — Phyrexian Zombie Dog[BTD] | #28 | Common | Price: $0.15 | Foil price: N/AJeff Miracola | | common | Creature — Phyrexian Zombie Dog | Jeff Miracola | $0.15 | N/A |
29 | Sengir VampireSengir VampireCreature — Vampire[BTD] | #29 | Uncommon | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$2.51Jeff Easley | | uncommon | Creature — Vampire | Jeff Easley | N/A | ✨$2.51 |
30 | Skittering HorrorSkittering HorrorCreature — Phyrexian Horror[BTD] | #30 | Common | Price: $0.15 | Foil price: N/AMark Zug | | common | Creature — Phyrexian Horror | Mark Zug | $0.15 | N/A |
31 | Skittering SkirgeSkittering SkirgeCreature — Phyrexian Imp[BTD] | #31 | Common | Price: $0.33 | Foil price: N/ARon Spencer | | common | Creature — Phyrexian Imp | Ron Spencer | $0.33 | N/A |
32 | Tar Pit WarriorTar Pit WarriorCreature — Cyclops Warrior[BTD] | #32 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: N/AGeorge Pratt | | common | Creature — Cyclops Warrior | George Pratt | $0.14 | N/A |
33 | TerrorTerrorInstant[BTD] | #33 | Common | Price: $0.54 | Foil price: N/ARon Spencer | | common | Instant | Ron Spencer | $0.54 | N/A |
34 | Balduvian HordeBalduvian HordeCreature — Human Barbarian[BTD] | #34 | Rare | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/ABrian Snõddy | | rare | Creature — Human Barbarian | Brian Snõddy | $0.25 | N/A |
35 | Ball LightningBall LightningCreature — Elemental[BTD] | #35 | Rare | Price: $2.18 | Foil price: N/ADave Dorman | | rare | Creature — Elemental | Dave Dorman | $2.18 | N/A |
36 | Bloodrock CyclopsBloodrock CyclopsCreature — Cyclops[BTD] | #36 | Common | Price: $0.15 | Foil price: N/ATom Wänerstrand | | common | Creature — Cyclops | Tom Wänerstrand | $0.15 | N/A |
37 | FireballFireballSorcery[BTD] | #37 | Common | Price: $1.73 | Foil price: N/AMark Tedin | | common | Sorcery | Mark Tedin | $1.73 | N/A |
38 | Hulking CyclopsHulking CyclopsCreature — Cyclops[BTD] | #38 | Uncommon | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: N/APaolo Parente | | uncommon | Creature — Cyclops | Paolo Parente | $0.09 | N/A |
39 | Kird ApeKird ApeCreature — Ape[BTD] | #39 | Common | Price: $0.35 | Foil price: N/AKen Meyer, Jr. | | common | Creature — Ape | Ken Meyer, Jr. | $0.35 | N/A |
40 | Lava AxeLava AxeSorcery[BTD] | #40 | Common | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: N/ABrian Snõddy | | common | Sorcery | Brian Snõddy | $0.10 | N/A |
41 | Lightning BoltLightning BoltInstant[BTD] | #41 | Common | Price: $2.11 | Foil price: N/AChristopher Rush | | common | Instant | Christopher Rush | $2.11 | N/A |
42 | Lowland GiantLowland GiantCreature — Giant[BTD] | #42 | Common | Price: $0.13 | Foil price: N/APaolo Parente | | common | Creature — Giant | Paolo Parente | $0.13 | N/A |
43 | Raging GoblinRaging GoblinCreature — Goblin Berserker[BTD] | #43 | Common | Price: $0.89 | Foil price: N/APete Venters | | common | Creature — Goblin Berserker | Pete Venters | $0.89 | N/A |
44 | Shivan DragonShivan DragonCreature — Dragon[BTD] | #44 | Rare | Price: $2.95 | Foil price: N/AMelissa A. Benson | | rare | Creature — Dragon | Melissa A. Benson | $2.95 | N/A |
45 | ShockShockInstant[BTD] | #45 | Common | Price: $0.32 | Foil price: N/ARandy Gallegos | | common | Instant | Randy Gallegos | $0.32 | N/A |
46 | Sonic BurstSonic BurstInstant[BTD] | #46 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: N/ABrian Snõddy | | common | Instant | Brian Snõddy | $0.14 | N/A |
47 | Talruum MinotaurTalruum MinotaurCreature — Minotaur Berserker[BTD] | #47 | Common | Price: $0.16 | Foil price: N/APete Venters | | common | Creature — Minotaur Berserker | Pete Venters | $0.16 | N/A |
48 | ThunderboltThunderboltInstant[BTD] | #48 | Common | Price: $0.28 | Foil price: N/ADylan Martens | | common | Instant | Dylan Martens | $0.28 | N/A |
49 | Thundering GiantThundering GiantCreature — Giant[BTD] | #49 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: N/AMark Zug | | uncommon | Creature — Giant | Mark Zug | --- | N/A |
50 | Viashino WarriorViashino WarriorCreature — Lizard Warrior[BTD] | #50 | Common | Price: $0.08 | Foil price: N/ARoger Raupp | | common | Creature — Lizard Warrior | Roger Raupp | $0.08 | N/A |
51 | Crash of RhinosCrash of RhinosCreature — Rhino[BTD] | #51 | Common | Price: $0.15 | Foil price: N/ASteve White | | common | Creature — Rhino | Steve White | $0.15 | N/A |
52 | Crashing BoarsCrashing BoarsCreature — Boar[BTD] | #52 | Uncommon | Price: $0.11 | Foil price: N/ARon Spencer | | uncommon | Creature — Boar | Ron Spencer | $0.11 | N/A |