Find the Assassin
2+ players | 2 packs | 5 minutesOBJECTIVE:Work together to score as many points as possible by deciphering your teammates' clues and correctly guessing the mystery card.GET READY:Open two boosters and remove cards without Magic backs. Separate into a pile of creatures and a pile of noncreatures.LET'S PLAY:• Each round, turn the two piles face down and shuffle them. Then determine which player was assassinated. That player is the clue-giving ghost for the round. The ghost is not allowed to communicate with the other players, except as directed.• The ghost looks at the top card of the creature pile. That is the assassin who killed them. Shuffle the cards in the creature pile and reveal them. Then reveal three random cards from the noncreature pile. The ghost chooses one of the noncreatures as a clue. (Try picking a card with similar art or theme to the assassin!)
Find the Assassin (cont'd)
• Now, each other player picks which creature they think is the assassin based on that clue. Each player who picks the right assassin gets 1 point. The ghost also gets 1 point unless none of the other players picked the right assassin.TO WIN:Keep playing until every player has been the ghost once. At the end, the player with the most points wins!
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