1 | Absolute GraceAbsolute GraceEnchantment[USG] | #1 | Uncommon | Price: $0.45 | Foil price: N/AJeff Miracola | | uncommon | Enchantment | Jeff Miracola | $0.45 | N/A |
2 | Absolute LawAbsolute LawEnchantment[USG] | #2 | Uncommon | Price: $0.45 | Foil price: N/AMark Zug | | uncommon | Enchantment | Mark Zug | $0.45 | N/A |
3 | Angelic ChorusAngelic ChorusEnchantment[USG] | #3 | Rare | Price: $5.80 | Foil price: N/ARon Spencer | | rare | Enchantment | Ron Spencer | $5.80 | N/A |
4 | Angelic PageAngelic PageCreature — Angel Spirit[USG] | #4 | Common | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: N/ARebecca Guay | | common | Creature — Angel Spirit | Rebecca Guay | $0.19 | N/A |
5 | Brilliant HaloBrilliant HaloEnchantment — Aura[USG] | #5 | Common | Price: $0.22 | Foil price: N/ARandy Gallegos | | common | Enchantment — Aura | Randy Gallegos | $0.22 | N/A |
6 | CatastropheCatastropheSorcery[USG] | #6 | Rare | Price: $4.03 | Foil price: N/AAndrew Robinson | | rare | Sorcery | Andrew Robinson | $4.03 | N/A |
7 | ClearClearInstant[USG] | #7 | Uncommon | Price: $0.29 | Foil price: N/AAndrew Robinson | | uncommon | Instant | Andrew Robinson | $0.29 | N/A |
8 | CongregateCongregateInstant[USG] | #8 | Common | Price: $0.23 | Foil price: N/AMark Zug | | common | Instant | Mark Zug | $0.23 | N/A |
9 | Defensive FormationDefensive FormationEnchantment[USG] | #9 | Uncommon | Price: $0.45 | Foil price: N/AGreg Staples | | uncommon | Enchantment | Greg Staples | $0.45 | N/A |
10 | Disciple of GraceDisciple of GraceCreature — Human Cleric[USG] | #10 | Common | Price: $0.20 | Foil price: N/ARobh Ruppel | | common | Creature — Human Cleric | Robh Ruppel | $0.20 | N/A |
11 | Disciple of LawDisciple of LawCreature — Human Cleric[USG] | #11 | Common | Price: $0.16 | Foil price: N/AMatthew D. Wilson | | common | Creature — Human Cleric | Matthew D. Wilson | $0.16 | N/A |
12 | DisenchantDisenchantInstant[USG] | #12 | Common | Price: $0.20 | Foil price: N/ADonato Giancola | | common | Instant | Donato Giancola | $0.20 | N/A |
13 | Elite ArchersElite ArchersCreature — Human Soldier Archer[USG] | #13 | Rare | Price: $0.41 | Foil price: N/AGreg Staples | | rare | Creature — Human Soldier Archer | Greg Staples | $0.41 | N/A |
14 | Faith HealerFaith HealerCreature — Human Cleric[USG] | #14 | Rare | Price: $4.31 | Foil price: N/ARandy Gallegos | | rare | Creature — Human Cleric | Randy Gallegos | $4.31 | N/A |
15 | Glorious AnthemGlorious AnthemEnchantment[USG] | #15 | Rare | Price: $2.45 | Foil price: N/AKev Walker | | rare | Enchantment | Kev Walker | $2.45 | N/A |
16 | Healing SalveHealing SalveInstant[USG] | #16 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: N/AHeather Hudson | | common | Instant | Heather Hudson | $0.14 | N/A |
17 | Herald of SerraHerald of SerraCreature — Angel[USG] | #17 | Rare | Price: $2.82 | Foil price: N/AMatthew D. Wilson | | rare | Creature — Angel | Matthew D. Wilson | $2.82 | N/A |
18 | HumbleHumbleInstant[USG] | #18 | Uncommon | Price: $0.13 | Foil price: N/AVal Mayerik | | uncommon | Instant | Val Mayerik | $0.13 | N/A |
19 | Intrepid HeroIntrepid HeroCreature — Human Soldier[USG] | #19 | Rare | Price: $2.03 | Foil price: N/ABrian Snõddy | | rare | Creature — Human Soldier | Brian Snõddy | $2.03 | N/A |
20 | Monk IdealistMonk IdealistCreature — Human Monk Cleric[USG] | #20 | Uncommon | Price: $0.31 | Foil price: N/ADaren Bader | | uncommon | Creature — Human Monk Cleric | Daren Bader | $0.31 | N/A |
21 | Monk RealistMonk RealistCreature — Human Monk Cleric[USG] | #21 | Common | Price: $0.20 | Foil price: N/ADaren Bader | | common | Creature — Human Monk Cleric | Daren Bader | $0.20 | N/A |
22 | Opal AcrolithOpal AcrolithEnchantment[USG] | #22 | Uncommon | Price: $0.24 | Foil price: N/ARobh Ruppel | | uncommon | Enchantment | Robh Ruppel | $0.24 | N/A |
23 | Opal ArchangelOpal ArchangelEnchantment[USG] | #23 | Rare | Price: $2.52 | Foil price: N/AJeff Miracola | | rare | Enchantment | Jeff Miracola | $2.52 | N/A |
24 | Opal CaryatidOpal CaryatidEnchantment[USG] | #24 | Common | Price: $0.17 | Foil price: N/ABerry | | common | Enchantment | Berry | $0.17 | N/A |
25 | Opal GargoyleOpal GargoyleEnchantment[USG] | #25 | Common | Price: $0.13 | Foil price: N/AKev Walker | | common | Enchantment | Kev Walker | $0.13 | N/A |
26 | Opal TitanOpal TitanEnchantment[USG] | #26 | Rare | Price: $0.44 | Foil price: N/APaolo Parente | | rare | Enchantment | Paolo Parente | $0.44 | N/A |
27 | PacifismPacifismEnchantment — Aura[USG] | #27 | Common | Price: $0.13 | Foil price: N/ARandy Gallegos | | common | Enchantment — Aura | Randy Gallegos | $0.13 | N/A |
28 | PariahPariahEnchantment — Aura[USG] | #28 | Rare | Price: $3.23 | Foil price: N/AJon J Muth | | rare | Enchantment — Aura | Jon J Muth | $3.23 | N/A |
29 | Path of PeacePath of PeaceSorcery[USG] | #29 | Common | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: N/AVal Mayerik | | common | Sorcery | Val Mayerik | $0.14 | N/A |
30 | Pegasus ChargerPegasus ChargerCreature — Pegasus[USG] | #30 | Common | Price: $0.16 | Foil price: N/AVal Mayerik | | common | Creature — Pegasus | Val Mayerik | $0.16 | N/A |
31 | Planar BirthPlanar BirthSorcery[USG] | #31 | Rare | Price: $3.08 | Foil price: N/AAdam Rex | | rare | Sorcery | Adam Rex | $3.08 | N/A |
32 | Presence of the MasterPresence of the MasterEnchantment[USG] | #32 | Uncommon | Price: $0.33 | Foil price: N/ACiruelo | | uncommon | Enchantment | Ciruelo | $0.33 | N/A |
33 | RedeemRedeemInstant[USG] | #33 | Uncommon | Price: $0.18 | Foil price: N/AD. Alexander Gregory | | uncommon | Instant | D. Alexander Gregory | $0.18 | N/A |
34 | RemembranceRemembranceEnchantment[USG] | #34 | Rare | Price: $11.67 | Foil price: N/AVal Mayerik | | rare | Enchantment | Val Mayerik | $11.67 | N/A |
35 | Rune of Protection: ArtifactsRune of Protection: ArtifactsEnchantment[USG] | #35 | Uncommon | Price: $0.23 | Foil price: N/AScott M. Fischer | | uncommon | Enchantment | Scott M. Fischer | $0.23 | N/A |
36 | Rune of Protection: BlackRune of Protection: BlackEnchantment[USG] | #36 | Common | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: N/AScott M. Fischer | | common | Enchantment | Scott M. Fischer | $0.19 | N/A |
37 | Rune of Protection: BlueRune of Protection: BlueEnchantment[USG] | #37 | Common | Price: $0.23 | Foil price: N/AScott M. Fischer | | common | Enchantment | Scott M. Fischer | $0.23 | N/A |
38 | Rune of Protection: GreenRune of Protection: GreenEnchantment[USG] | #38 | Common | Price: $0.20 | Foil price: N/AScott M. Fischer | | common | Enchantment | Scott M. Fischer | $0.20 | N/A |
39 | Rune of Protection: LandsRune of Protection: LandsEnchantment[USG] | #39 | Rare | Price: $0.30 | Foil price: N/AScott M. Fischer | | rare | Enchantment | Scott M. Fischer | $0.30 | N/A |
40 | Rune of Protection: RedRune of Protection: RedEnchantment[USG] | #40 | Common | Price: $0.28 | Foil price: N/AScott M. Fischer | | common | Enchantment | Scott M. Fischer | $0.28 | N/A |
41 | Rune of Protection: WhiteRune of Protection: WhiteEnchantment[USG] | #41 | Common | Price: $0.22 | Foil price: N/AScott M. Fischer | | common | Enchantment | Scott M. Fischer | $0.22 | N/A |
42 | Sanctum CustodianSanctum CustodianCreature — Human Cleric[USG] | #42 | Common | Price: $0.12 | Foil price: N/APaolo Parente | | common | Creature — Human Cleric | Paolo Parente | $0.12 | N/A |
43 | Sanctum GuardianSanctum GuardianCreature — Human Cleric[USG] | #43 | Uncommon | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: N/ADonato Giancola | | uncommon | Creature — Human Cleric | Donato Giancola | $0.19 | N/A |
44 | Seasoned MarshalSeasoned MarshalCreature — Human Soldier[USG] | #44 | Uncommon | Price: $0.15 | Foil price: N/AMatthew D. Wilson | | uncommon | Creature — Human Soldier | Matthew D. Wilson | $0.15 | N/A |
45 | Serra AvatarSerra AvatarCreature — Avatar[USG] | #45 | Rare | Price: $3.82 | Foil price: N/ADermot Power | | rare | Creature — Avatar | Dermot Power | $3.82 | N/A |
46 | Serra ZealotSerra ZealotCreature — Human Soldier[USG] | #46 | Common | Price: $0.16 | Foil price: N/ADiTerlizzi | | common | Creature — Human Soldier | DiTerlizzi | $0.16 | N/A |
47 | Serra's EmbraceSerra's EmbraceEnchantment — Aura[USG] | #47 | Uncommon | Price: $0.30 | Foil price: N/ATerese Nielsen | | uncommon | Enchantment — Aura | Terese Nielsen | $0.30 | N/A |
48 | Serra's HymnSerra's HymnEnchantment[USG] | #48 | Uncommon | Price: $0.32 | Foil price: N/ARebecca Guay | | uncommon | Enchantment | Rebecca Guay | $0.32 | N/A |
49 | Serra's LiturgySerra's LiturgyEnchantment[USG] | #49 | Rare | Price: $0.57 | Foil price: N/Ark post | | rare | Enchantment | rk post | $0.57 | N/A |
50 | Shimmering BarrierShimmering BarrierCreature — Wall[USG] | #50 | Uncommon | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/AD. Alexander Gregory | | uncommon | Creature — Wall | D. Alexander Gregory | $0.25 | N/A |
51 | Silent AttendantSilent AttendantCreature — Human Cleric[USG] | #51 | Common | Price: $0.16 | Foil price: N/ARebecca Guay | | common | Creature — Human Cleric | Rebecca Guay | $0.16 | N/A |
52 | SongstitcherSongstitcherCreature — Human Cleric[USG] | #52 | Uncommon | Price: $0.19 | Foil price: N/ABerry | | uncommon | Creature — Human Cleric | Berry | $0.19 | N/A |