Battle the Horde [TBTH]

Type: memorabilia

Cards: 15

Released: 2014-03-01

Minotaur Goreseeker
Creature — Minotaur[TBTH] | #1 | Common | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/AWayne Reynolds
Minotaur Younghorn
Creature — Minotaur[TBTH] | #2 | Common | Price: $0.38 | Foil price: N/AScott Murphy
Mogis's Chosen
Creature — Minotaur[TBTH] | #3 | Common | Price: $0.95 | Foil price: N/ALars Grant-West
Phoberos Reaver
Creature — Minotaur[TBTH] | #4 | Common | Price: $0.36 | Foil price: N/AMichael Komarck
Reckless Minotaur
Creature — Minotaur[TBTH] | #5 | Common | Price: $0.51 | Foil price: N/ACarl Critchlow
Consuming Rage
Sorcery[TBTH] | #6 | Common | Price: $0.25 | Foil price: N/ASvetlin Velinov
Descend on the Prey
Sorcery[TBTH] | #7 | Common | Price: $0.38 | Foil price: N/AZoltan Boros
Intervention of Keranos
Sorcery[TBTH] | #8 | Common | Price: $1.13 | Foil price: N/ADan Murayama Scott
Touch of the Horned God
Sorcery[TBTH] | #9 | Common | Price: $0.54 | Foil price: N/ASvetlin Velinov
Unquenchable Fury
Sorcery[TBTH] | #10 | Common | Price: $0.64 | Foil price: N/AJason Rainville
Altar of Mogis
Artifact[TBTH] | #11 | Common | Price: $4.45 | Foil price: N/AAaron Miller
Massacre Totem
Artifact[TBTH] | #12 | Common | Price: $0.54 | Foil price: N/AFilip Burburan
Plundered Statue
Artifact[TBTH] | #13 | Common | Price: $1.29 | Foil price: N/ADaniel Ljunggren
Refreshing Elixir
Artifact[TBTH] | #14 | Common | Price: $1.35 | Foil price: N/ACyril Van Der Haegen
Vitality Salve
Artifact[TBTH] | #15 | Common | Price: $1.82 | Foil price: N/ADaren Bader