4s | Aethergeode MinerAethergeode MinerCreature — Dwarf Scout[PAER] | #4s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.54Winona Nelson | | rare | Creature — Dwarf Scout | Winona Nelson | N/A | ✨$0.54 |
9s | Call for UnityCall for UnityEnchantment[PAER] | #9s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.64John Severin Brassell | | rare | Enchantment | John Severin Brassell | N/A | ✨$0.64 |
11s | Consulate CrackdownConsulate CrackdownEnchantment[PAER] | #11s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.45Jonas De Ro | | rare | Enchantment | Jonas De Ro | N/A | ✨$0.45 |
18s | Exquisite ArchangelExquisite ArchangelCreature — Angel[PAER] | #18s | Mythic | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$12.84Brad Rigney | | mythic | Creature — Angel | Brad Rigney | N/A | ✨$12.84 |
22s | Solemn RecruitSolemn RecruitCreature — Dwarf Warrior[PAER] | #22s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.43Eric Deschamps | | rare | Creature — Dwarf Warrior | Eric Deschamps | N/A | ✨$0.43 |
23s | Sram, Senior EdificerSram, Senior EdificerLegendary Creature — Dwarf Advisor[PAER] | #23s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$3.95Chris Rahn | | rare | Legendary Creature — Dwarf Advisor | Chris Rahn | N/A | ✨$3.95 |
23p | Sram, Senior EdificerSram, Senior EdificerLegendary Creature — Dwarf Advisor[PAER] | #23p | Rare | Price: $1.14 | Foil price: ✨$7.24Chris Rahn | | rare | Legendary Creature — Dwarf Advisor | Chris Rahn | $1.14 | ✨$7.24 |
24s | Sram's ExpertiseSram's ExpertiseSorcery[PAER] | #24s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$1.65Kieran Yanner | | rare | Sorcery | Kieran Yanner | N/A | ✨$1.65 |
27s | Aethertide WhaleAethertide WhaleCreature — Whale[PAER] | #27s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.69Steven Belledin | | rare | Creature — Whale | Steven Belledin | N/A | ✨$0.69 |
28s | Baral, Chief of ComplianceBaral, Chief of ComplianceLegendary Creature — Human Wizard[PAER] | #28s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$4.22Wesley Burt | | rare | Legendary Creature — Human Wizard | Wesley Burt | N/A | ✨$4.22 |
29s | Baral's ExpertiseBaral's ExpertiseSorcery[PAER] | #29s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$2.28Todd Lockwood | | rare | Sorcery | Todd Lockwood | N/A | ✨$2.28 |
31p | DisallowDisallowInstant[PAER] | #31p | Rare | Price: $5.84 | Foil price: ✨$11.46Min Yum | | rare | Instant | Min Yum | $5.84 | ✨$11.46 |
31s | DisallowDisallowInstant[PAER] | #31s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$7.04Min Yum | | rare | Instant | Min Yum | N/A | ✨$7.04 |
38s | Mechanized ProductionMechanized ProductionEnchantment — Aura[PAER] | #38s | Mythic | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$12.56Adam Paquette | | mythic | Enchantment — Aura | Adam Paquette | N/A | ✨$12.56 |
41s | Quicksmith SpyQuicksmith SpyCreature — Human Artificer[PAER] | #41s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.24Ryan Alexander Lee | | rare | Creature — Human Artificer | Ryan Alexander Lee | N/A | ✨$0.24 |
48 | Trophy MageTrophy MageCreature — Human Wizard[PAER] | #48 | Uncommon | Price: $0.98 | Foil price: N/AAnna Steinbauer | | uncommon | Creature — Human Wizard | Anna Steinbauer | $0.98 | N/A |
49p | Whir of InventionWhir of InventionInstant[PAER] | #49p | Rare | Price: $6.05 | Foil price: ✨$14.21Christine Choi | | rare | Instant | Christine Choi | $6.05 | ✨$14.21 |
49s | Whir of InventionWhir of InventionInstant[PAER] | #49s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$11.26Christine Choi | | rare | Instant | Christine Choi | N/A | ✨$11.26 |
53s | Battle at the BridgeBattle at the BridgeSorcery[PAER] | #53s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$1.16Chris Rallis | | rare | Sorcery | Chris Rallis | N/A | ✨$1.16 |
62s | Glint-Sleeve SiphonerGlint-Sleeve SiphonerCreature — Human Rogue[PAER] | #62s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$1.26Greg Opalinski | | rare | Creature — Human Rogue | Greg Opalinski | N/A | ✨$1.26 |
64s | Herald of AnguishHerald of AnguishCreature — Demon[PAER] | #64s | Mythic | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$4.91Vincent Proce | | mythic | Creature — Demon | Vincent Proce | N/A | ✨$4.91 |
66s | Midnight EntourageMidnight EntourageCreature — Aetherborn Rogue[PAER] | #66s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.25Lius Lasahido | | rare | Creature — Aetherborn Rogue | Lius Lasahido | N/A | ✨$0.25 |
71s | Secret SalvageSecret SalvageSorcery[PAER] | #71s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$2.79Tommy Arnold | | rare | Sorcery | Tommy Arnold | N/A | ✨$2.79 |
74s | Yahenni, Undying PartisanYahenni, Undying PartisanLegendary Creature — Aetherborn Vampire[PAER] | #74s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$5.89Lius Lasahido | | rare | Legendary Creature — Aetherborn Vampire | Lius Lasahido | N/A | ✨$5.89 |
74p | Yahenni, Undying PartisanYahenni, Undying PartisanLegendary Creature — Aetherborn Vampire[PAER] | #74p | Rare | Price: $1.85 | Foil price: ✨$5.78Lius Lasahido | | rare | Legendary Creature — Aetherborn Vampire | Lius Lasahido | $1.85 | ✨$5.78 |
75 | Yahenni's ExpertiseYahenni's ExpertiseSorcery[PAER] | #75 | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$1.91Jason A. Engle | | rare | Sorcery | Jason A. Engle | N/A | ✨$1.91 |
75s | Yahenni's ExpertiseYahenni's ExpertiseSorcery[PAER] | #75s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.39Daarken | | rare | Sorcery | Daarken | N/A | ✨$0.39 |
81s | Freejam RegentFreejam RegentCreature — Cat Dragon[PAER] | #81s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.53Volkan Baǵa | | rare | Creature — Cat Dragon | Volkan Baǵa | N/A | ✨$0.53 |
85s | Indomitable CreativityIndomitable CreativitySorcery[PAER] | #85s | Mythic | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$16.12Deruchenko Alexander | | mythic | Sorcery | Deruchenko Alexander | N/A | ✨$16.12 |
87s | Kari Zev, Skyship RaiderKari Zev, Skyship RaiderLegendary Creature — Human Pirate[PAER] | #87s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$2.65Brad Rigney | | rare | Legendary Creature — Human Pirate | Brad Rigney | N/A | ✨$2.65 |
88s | Kari Zev's ExpertiseKari Zev's ExpertiseSorcery[PAER] | #88s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$5.37Jason Rainville | | rare | Sorcery | Jason Rainville | N/A | ✨$5.37 |
90s | Lightning RunnerLightning RunnerCreature — Human Warrior[PAER] | #90s | Mythic | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$4.91Raymond Swanland | | mythic | Creature — Human Warrior | Raymond Swanland | N/A | ✨$4.91 |
91s | Pia's RevolutionPia's RevolutionEnchantment[PAER] | #91s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$1.78Clint Cearley | | rare | Enchantment | Clint Cearley | N/A | ✨$1.78 |
93 | Quicksmith RebelQuicksmith RebelCreature — Human Artificer[PAER] | #93 | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.16Raymond Swanland | | rare | Creature — Human Artificer | Raymond Swanland | N/A | ✨$0.16 |
93s | Quicksmith RebelQuicksmith RebelCreature — Human Artificer[PAER] | #93s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.46Kieran Yanner | | rare | Creature — Human Artificer | Kieran Yanner | N/A | ✨$0.46 |
96s | Release the GremlinsRelease the GremlinsSorcery[PAER] | #96s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.36Izzy | | rare | Sorcery | Izzy | N/A | ✨$0.36 |
104s | Aetherwind BaskerAetherwind BaskerCreature — Lizard[PAER] | #104s | Mythic | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$1.57Svetlin Velinov | | mythic | Creature — Lizard | Svetlin Velinov | N/A | ✨$1.57 |
105s | Aid from the CowlAid from the CowlEnchantment[PAER] | #105s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.80Viktor Titov | | rare | Enchantment | Viktor Titov | N/A | ✨$0.80 |
107s | Greenbelt RampagerGreenbelt RampagerCreature — Elephant[PAER] | #107s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$2.79Filip Burburan | | rare | Creature — Elephant | Filip Burburan | N/A | ✨$2.79 |
108s | Greenwheel LiberatorGreenwheel LiberatorCreature — Elf Warrior[PAER] | #108s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.24Todd Lockwood | | rare | Creature — Elf Warrior | Todd Lockwood | N/A | ✨$0.24 |
109s | Heroic InterventionHeroic InterventionInstant[PAER] | #109s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$14.37James Ryman | | rare | Instant | James Ryman | N/A | ✨$14.37 |
109p | Heroic InterventionHeroic InterventionInstant[PAER] | #109p | Rare | Price: $19.23 | Foil price: ✨$14.84James Ryman | | rare | Instant | James Ryman | $19.23 | ✨$14.84 |
122s | Rishkar, Peema RenegadeRishkar, Peema RenegadeLegendary Creature — Elf Druid[PAER] | #122s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$4.96Todd Lockwood | | rare | Legendary Creature — Elf Druid | Todd Lockwood | N/A | ✨$4.96 |
123s | Rishkar's ExpertiseRishkar's ExpertiseSorcery[PAER] | #123s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$10.65Magali Villeneuve | | rare | Sorcery | Magali Villeneuve | N/A | ✨$10.65 |
127s | Ajani UnyieldingAjani UnyieldingLegendary Planeswalker — Ajani[PAER] | #127s | Mythic | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$5.40Kieran Yanner | | mythic | Legendary Planeswalker — Ajani | Kieran Yanner | N/A | ✨$5.40 |
128s | Dark IntimationsDark IntimationsSorcery[PAER] | #128s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$0.60Chase Stone | | rare | Sorcery | Chase Stone | N/A | ✨$0.60 |
131s | Oath of AjaniOath of AjaniLegendary Enchantment[PAER] | #131s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$2.31Wesley Burt | | rare | Legendary Enchantment | Wesley Burt | N/A | ✨$2.31 |
137s | Tezzeret the SchemerTezzeret the SchemerLegendary Planeswalker — Tezzeret[PAER] | #137s | Mythic | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$2.79Ryan Alexander Lee | | mythic | Legendary Planeswalker — Tezzeret | Ryan Alexander Lee | N/A | ✨$2.79 |
142s | Aethersphere HarvesterAethersphere HarvesterArtifact — Vehicle[PAER] | #142s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$1.99Christine Choi | | rare | Artifact — Vehicle | Christine Choi | N/A | ✨$1.99 |
152s | Gonti's Aether HeartGonti's Aether HeartLegendary Artifact[PAER] | #152s | Mythic | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$11.15Vincent Proce | | mythic | Legendary Artifact | Vincent Proce | N/A | ✨$11.15 |
153s | Heart of KiranHeart of KiranLegendary Artifact — Vehicle[PAER] | #153s | Mythic | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$4.15Jaime Jones | | mythic | Legendary Artifact — Vehicle | Jaime Jones | N/A | ✨$4.15 |
154s | Hope of GhirapurHope of GhirapurLegendary Artifact Creature — Thopter[PAER] | #154s | Rare | Price: N/A | Foil price: ✨$6.32Lius Lasahido | | rare | Legendary Artifact Creature — Thopter | Lius Lasahido | N/A | ✨$6.32 |