1 | Acclaimed ContenderAcclaimed ContenderCreature — Human Knight[ELD] | #1 | Rare | Price: $0.20 | Foil price: ✨$0.29David Gaillet | | rare | Creature — Human Knight | David Gaillet | $0.20 | ✨$0.29 |
2 | All That GlittersAll That GlittersEnchantment — Aura[ELD] | #2 | Uncommon | Price: $0.49 | Foil price: ✨$1.57Iain McCaig | | uncommon | Enchantment — Aura | Iain McCaig | $0.49 | ✨$1.57 |
3 | Archon of AbsolutionArchon of AbsolutionCreature — Archon[ELD] | #3 | Uncommon | Price: $0.17 | Foil price: ✨$0.41Igor Kieryluk | | uncommon | Creature — Archon | Igor Kieryluk | $0.17 | ✨$0.41 |
4 | Ardenvale PaladinArdenvale PaladinCreature — Human Knight[ELD] | #4 | Common | Price: $0.04 | Foil price: ✨$0.15Volkan Baǵa | | common | Creature — Human Knight | Volkan Baǵa | $0.04 | ✨$0.15 |
5 | Ardenvale Tactician // Dizzying SwoopArdenvale Tactician // Dizzying SwoopCreature — Human Knight[ELD] | #5 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ✨$0.17Jason Rainville | | common | Creature — Human Knight | Jason Rainville | $0.07 | ✨$0.17 |
6 | Bartered CowBartered CowCreature — Ox[ELD] | #6 | Common | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ✨$0.24Deruchenko Alexander | | common | Creature — Ox | Deruchenko Alexander | $0.09 | ✨$0.24 |
7 | Beloved PrincessBeloved PrincessCreature — Human Noble[ELD] | #7 | Common | Price: $0.03 | Foil price: ✨$0.20Howard Lyon | | common | Creature — Human Noble | Howard Lyon | $0.03 | ✨$0.20 |
8 | Charming PrinceCharming PrinceCreature — Human Noble[ELD] | #8 | Rare | Price: $2.71 | Foil price: ✨$2.48Randy Vargas | | rare | Creature — Human Noble | Randy Vargas | $2.71 | ✨$2.48 |
9 | The Circle of LoyaltyThe Circle of LoyaltyLegendary Artifact[ELD] | #9 | Mythic | Price: $1.17 | Foil price: ✨$1.11Bastien L. Deharme | | mythic | Legendary Artifact | Bastien L. Deharme | $1.17 | ✨$1.11 |
10 | Deafening SilenceDeafening SilenceEnchantment[ELD] | #10 | Uncommon | Price: $2.31 | Foil price: ✨$3.62Igor Kieryluk | | uncommon | Enchantment | Igor Kieryluk | $2.31 | ✨$3.62 |
11 | Faerie Guidemother // Gift of the FaeFaerie Guidemother // Gift of the FaeCreature — Faerie[ELD] | #11 | Common | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.16Mila Pesic | | common | Creature — Faerie | Mila Pesic | $0.05 | ✨$0.16 |
12 | FlutterfoxFlutterfoxCreature — Fox[ELD] | #12 | Common | Price: $0.04 | Foil price: ✨$0.10Lucas Graciano | | common | Creature — Fox | Lucas Graciano | $0.04 | ✨$0.10 |
13 | Fortifying ProvisionsFortifying ProvisionsEnchantment[ELD] | #13 | Common | Price: $0.02 | Foil price: ✨$0.21Scott Murphy | | common | Enchantment | Scott Murphy | $0.02 | ✨$0.21 |
14 | Giant Killer // Chop DownGiant Killer // Chop DownCreature — Human Peasant[ELD] | #14 | Rare | Price: $0.30 | Foil price: ✨$0.53Jesper Ejsing | | rare | Creature — Human Peasant | Jesper Ejsing | $0.30 | ✨$0.53 |
15 | Glass CasketGlass CasketArtifact[ELD] | #15 | Uncommon | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ✨$0.25Anastasia Ovchinnikova | | uncommon | Artifact | Anastasia Ovchinnikova | $0.09 | ✨$0.25 |
16 | Happily Ever AfterHappily Ever AfterEnchantment[ELD] | #16 | Rare | Price: $0.18 | Foil price: ✨$0.29Matt Stewart | | rare | Enchantment | Matt Stewart | $0.18 | ✨$0.29 |
17 | Harmonious ArchonHarmonious ArchonCreature — Archon[ELD] | #17 | Mythic | Price: $0.31 | Foil price: ✨$0.40Anastasia Ovchinnikova | | mythic | Creature — Archon | Anastasia Ovchinnikova | $0.31 | ✨$0.40 |
18 | HushbringerHushbringerCreature — Faerie[ELD] | #18 | Rare | Price: $0.55 | Foil price: ✨$1.20Bastien L. Deharme | | rare | Creature — Faerie | Bastien L. Deharme | $0.55 | ✨$1.20 |
19 | Knight of the KeepKnight of the KeepCreature — Human Knight[ELD] | #19 | Common | Price: $0.03 | Foil price: ✨$0.09Bram Sels | | common | Creature — Human Knight | Bram Sels | $0.03 | ✨$0.09 |
20 | Linden, the Steadfast QueenLinden, the Steadfast QueenLegendary Creature — Human Noble[ELD] | #20 | Rare | Price: $0.26 | Foil price: ✨$0.49Ryan Pancoast | | rare | Legendary Creature — Human Noble | Ryan Pancoast | $0.26 | ✨$0.49 |
21 | Lonesome Unicorn // Rider in NeedLonesome Unicorn // Rider in NeedCreature — Unicorn[ELD] | #21 | Common | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.10Winona Nelson | | common | Creature — Unicorn | Winona Nelson | $0.05 | ✨$0.10 |
22 | Mysterious PathlighterMysterious PathlighterCreature — Faerie[ELD] | #22 | Uncommon | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.24Kimonas Theodossiou | | uncommon | Creature — Faerie | Kimonas Theodossiou | $0.05 | ✨$0.24 |
23 | OutflankOutflankInstant[ELD] | #23 | Common | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.10Victor Adame Minguez | | common | Instant | Victor Adame Minguez | $0.05 | ✨$0.10 |
24 | Prized GriffinPrized GriffinCreature — Griffin[ELD] | #24 | Common | Price: $0.02 | Foil price: ✨$0.09Jesper Ejsing | | common | Creature — Griffin | Jesper Ejsing | $0.02 | ✨$0.09 |
25 | Rally for the ThroneRally for the ThroneInstant[ELD] | #25 | Uncommon | Price: $0.06 | Foil price: ✨$0.19James Paick | | uncommon | Instant | James Paick | $0.06 | ✨$0.19 |
26 | Realm-Cloaked Giant // Cast OffRealm-Cloaked Giant // Cast OffCreature — Giant[ELD] | #26 | Mythic | Price: $0.30 | Foil price: ✨$0.57Adam Paquette | | mythic | Creature — Giant | Adam Paquette | $0.30 | ✨$0.57 |
27 | RighteousnessRighteousnessInstant[ELD] | #27 | Uncommon | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.17Howard Lyon | | uncommon | Instant | Howard Lyon | $0.05 | ✨$0.17 |
28 | Shepherd of the Flock // Usher to SafetyShepherd of the Flock // Usher to SafetyCreature — Human Peasant[ELD] | #28 | Uncommon | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ✨$0.16Drew Baker | | uncommon | Creature — Human Peasant | Drew Baker | $0.09 | ✨$0.16 |
29 | Shining ArmorShining ArmorArtifact — Equipment[ELD] | #29 | Common | Price: $0.02 | Foil price: ✨$0.08Eric Deschamps | | common | Artifact — Equipment | Eric Deschamps | $0.02 | ✨$0.08 |
30 | Silverflame RitualSilverflame RitualSorcery[ELD] | #30 | Common | Price: $0.08 | Foil price: ✨$0.10Jason Felix | | common | Sorcery | Jason Felix | $0.08 | ✨$0.10 |
31 | Silverflame Squire // On AlertSilverflame Squire // On AlertCreature — Human Soldier[ELD] | #31 | Common | Price: $0.02 | Foil price: ✨$0.05Lie Setiawan | | common | Creature — Human Soldier | Lie Setiawan | $0.02 | ✨$0.05 |
32 | Syr Alin, the Lion's ClawSyr Alin, the Lion's ClawLegendary Creature — Human Knight[ELD] | #32 | Uncommon | Price: $0.08 | Foil price: ✨$0.24Paul Scott Canavan | | uncommon | Legendary Creature — Human Knight | Paul Scott Canavan | $0.08 | ✨$0.24 |
33 | Trapped in the TowerTrapped in the TowerEnchantment — Aura[ELD] | #33 | Common | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ✨$0.17Howard Lyon | | common | Enchantment — Aura | Howard Lyon | $0.10 | ✨$0.17 |
34 | True Love's KissTrue Love's KissInstant[ELD] | #34 | Common | Price: $0.06 | Foil price: ✨$0.21Donato Giancola | | common | Instant | Donato Giancola | $0.06 | ✨$0.21 |
35 | Venerable KnightVenerable KnightCreature — Human Knight[ELD] | #35 | Uncommon | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ✨$0.29Colin Boyer | | uncommon | Creature — Human Knight | Colin Boyer | $0.09 | ✨$0.29 |
36 | Worthy KnightWorthy KnightCreature — Human Knight[ELD] | #36 | Rare | Price: $0.21 | Foil price: ✨$0.22Yongjae Choi | | rare | Creature — Human Knight | Yongjae Choi | $0.21 | ✨$0.22 |
37 | Youthful KnightYouthful KnightCreature — Human Knight[ELD] | #37 | Common | Price: $0.08 | Foil price: ✨$0.08Heonhwa Choe | | common | Creature — Human Knight | Heonhwa Choe | $0.08 | ✨$0.08 |
38 | Animating Faerie // Bring to LifeAnimating Faerie // Bring to LifeCreature — Faerie[ELD] | #38 | Uncommon | Price: $0.03 | Foil price: ✨$0.16Joseph Meehan | | uncommon | Creature — Faerie | Joseph Meehan | $0.03 | ✨$0.16 |
39 | Brazen Borrower // Petty TheftBrazen Borrower // Petty TheftCreature — Faerie Rogue[ELD] | #39 | Mythic | Price: $3.84 | Foil price: ✨$7.01Eric Deschamps | | mythic | Creature — Faerie Rogue | Eric Deschamps | $3.84 | ✨$7.01 |
40 | Charmed SleepCharmed SleepEnchantment — Aura[ELD] | #40 | Common | Price: $0.04 | Foil price: ✨$0.25Titus Lunter | | common | Enchantment — Aura | Titus Lunter | $0.04 | ✨$0.25 |
41 | Corridor MonitorCorridor MonitorArtifact Creature — Construct[ELD] | #41 | Common | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ✨$0.17Jason Felix | | common | Artifact Creature — Construct | Jason Felix | $0.07 | ✨$0.17 |
42 | Didn't Say PleaseDidn't Say PleaseInstant[ELD] | #42 | Common | Price: $0.23 | Foil price: ✨$0.37Jason A. Engle | | common | Instant | Jason A. Engle | $0.23 | ✨$0.37 |
43 | Emry, Lurker of the LochEmry, Lurker of the LochLegendary Creature — Merfolk Wizard[ELD] | #43 | Rare | Price: $2.66 | Foil price: ✨$3.72Livia Prima | | rare | Legendary Creature — Merfolk Wizard | Livia Prima | $2.66 | ✨$3.72 |
44 | Fae of Wishes // GrantedFae of Wishes // GrantedCreature — Faerie Wizard[ELD] | #44 | Rare | Price: $0.14 | Foil price: ✨$0.40Magali Villeneuve | | rare | Creature — Faerie Wizard | Magali Villeneuve | $0.14 | ✨$0.40 |
45 | Faerie VandalFaerie VandalCreature — Faerie Rogue[ELD] | #45 | Uncommon | Price: $0.07 | Foil price: ✨$0.29Paul Scott Canavan | | uncommon | Creature — Faerie Rogue | Paul Scott Canavan | $0.07 | ✨$0.29 |
46 | Folio of FanciesFolio of FanciesArtifact[ELD] | #46 | Rare | Price: $2.60 | Foil price: ✨$1.71Colin Boyer | | rare | Artifact | Colin Boyer | $2.60 | ✨$1.71 |
47 | FrogifyFrogifyEnchantment — Aura[ELD] | #47 | Uncommon | Price: $0.09 | Foil price: ✨$0.39Chris Seaman | | uncommon | Enchantment — Aura | Chris Seaman | $0.09 | ✨$0.39 |
48 | Gadwick, the WizenedGadwick, the WizenedLegendary Creature — Human Wizard[ELD] | #48 | Rare | Price: $0.86 | Foil price: ✨$0.81Colin Boyer | | rare | Legendary Creature — Human Wizard | Colin Boyer | $0.86 | ✨$0.81 |
49 | Hypnotic Sprite // Mesmeric GlareHypnotic Sprite // Mesmeric GlareCreature — Faerie[ELD] | #49 | Uncommon | Price: $0.10 | Foil price: ✨$0.26Irina Nordsol | | uncommon | Creature — Faerie | Irina Nordsol | $0.10 | ✨$0.26 |
50 | Into the StoryInto the StoryInstant[ELD] | #50 | Uncommon | Price: $0.15 | Foil price: ✨$0.46Jason Rainville | | uncommon | Instant | Jason Rainville | $0.15 | ✨$0.46 |
51 | The Magic MirrorThe Magic MirrorLegendary Artifact[ELD] | #51 | Mythic | Price: $3.55 | Foil price: ✨$3.84Anastasia Ovchinnikova | | mythic | Legendary Artifact | Anastasia Ovchinnikova | $3.55 | ✨$3.84 |
52 | Mantle of TidesMantle of TidesArtifact — Equipment[ELD] | #52 | Common | Price: $0.05 | Foil price: ✨$0.16Lie Setiawan | | common | Artifact — Equipment | Lie Setiawan | $0.05 | ✨$0.16 |