Showing 52 of 339
Nr | NameCard name and typeCards | Cost | Rarity | Type | Artist | Price | Price foil |
11 | Angel of SanctionsAngel of Sanctions Creature — Angel[AKR] | #1 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Min YumAngel of SanctionsAngel of Sanctions Creature — Angel[AKR] | #1 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Min Yum | mythicmythic | Creature — AngelCreature — Angel | ------ | ------ | ||
22 | Anointed ProcessionAnointed Procession Enchantment[AKR] | #2 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Victor Adame MinguezAnointed ProcessionAnointed Procession Enchantment[AKR] | #2 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Victor Adame Minguez | rarerare | EnchantmentEnchantment | ------ | ------ | ||
33 | Anointer PriestAnointer Priest Creature — Human Cleric[AKR] | #3 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Lake HurwitzAnointer PriestAnointer Priest Creature — Human Cleric[AKR] | #3 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Lake Hurwitz | commoncommon | Creature — Human ClericCreature — Human Cleric | ------ | ------ | ||
44 | Approach of the Second SunApproach of the Second Sun Sorcery[AKR] | #4 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kev WalkerApproach of the Second SunApproach of the Second Sun Sorcery[AKR] | #4 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kev Walker | rarerare | SorcerySorcery | ------ | ------ | ||
55 | Aven MindcensorAven Mindcensor Creature — Bird Wizard[AKR] | #5 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Eric DeschampsAven MindcensorAven Mindcensor Creature — Bird Wizard[AKR] | #5 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Eric Deschamps | rarerare | Creature — Bird WizardCreature — Bird Wizard | ------ | ------ | ||
66 | Aven of Enduring HopeAven of Enduring Hope Creature — Bird Cleric[AKR] | #6 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---James RymanAven of Enduring HopeAven of Enduring Hope Creature — Bird Cleric[AKR] | #6 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---James Ryman | commoncommon | Creature — Bird ClericCreature — Bird Cleric | ------ | ------ | ||
77 | Binding MummyBinding Mummy Creature — Zombie[AKR] | #7 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Shreya ShettyBinding MummyBinding Mummy Creature — Zombie[AKR] | #7 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Shreya Shetty | commoncommon | Creature — ZombieCreature — Zombie | ------ | ------ | ||
88 | Cartouche of SolidarityCartouche of Solidarity Enchantment — Aura Cartouche[AKR] | #8 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kieran YannerCartouche of SolidarityCartouche of Solidarity Enchantment — Aura Cartouche[AKR] | #8 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kieran Yanner | commoncommon | Enchantment — Aura CartoucheEnchantment — Aura Cartouche | ------ | ------ | ||
99 | Cast OutCast Out Enchantment[AKR] | #9 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Magali VilleneuveCast OutCast Out Enchantment[AKR] | #9 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Magali Villeneuve | uncommonuncommon | EnchantmentEnchantment | ------ | ------ | ||
1010 | Compulsory RestCompulsory Rest Enchantment — Aura[AKR] | #10 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Eric DeschampsCompulsory RestCompulsory Rest Enchantment — Aura[AKR] | #10 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Eric Deschamps | commoncommon | Enchantment — AuraEnchantment — Aura | ------ | ------ | ||
1111 | Crested SunmareCrested Sunmare Creature — Horse[AKR] | #11 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Lucas GracianoCrested SunmareCrested Sunmare Creature — Horse[AKR] | #11 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Lucas Graciano | mythicmythic | Creature — HorseCreature — Horse | ------ | ------ | ||
1212 | Dauntless AvenDauntless Aven Creature — Bird Warrior[AKR] | #12 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Zack StellaDauntless AvenDauntless Aven Creature — Bird Warrior[AKR] | #12 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Zack Stella | commoncommon | Creature — Bird WarriorCreature — Bird Warrior | ------ | ------ | ||
1313 | Desert's HoldDesert's Hold Enchantment — Aura[AKR] | #13 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Sara WintersDesert's HoldDesert's Hold Enchantment — Aura[AKR] | #13 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Sara Winters | uncommonuncommon | Enchantment — AuraEnchantment — Aura | ------ | ------ | ||
1414 | Disposal MummyDisposal Mummy Creature — Zombie Jackal[AKR] | #14 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Gabor SzikszaiDisposal MummyDisposal Mummy Creature — Zombie Jackal[AKR] | #14 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Gabor Szikszai | commoncommon | Creature — Zombie JackalCreature — Zombie Jackal | ------ | ------ | ||
1515 | Djeru's ResolveDjeru's Resolve Instant[AKR] | #15 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kieran YannerDjeru's ResolveDjeru's Resolve Instant[AKR] | #15 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kieran Yanner | commoncommon | InstantInstant | ------ | ------ | ||
1616 | Dusk // DawnDusk // Dawn // Sorcery[AKR] | #16 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kasia 'Kafis' ZielińskaDusk // DawnDusk // Dawn// Sorcery[AKR] | #16 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kasia 'Kafis' Zielińska | // // | rarerare | SorcerySorcery | ------ | ------ | |
1717 | Fan BearerFan Bearer Creature — Zombie[AKR] | #17 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Anthony PalumboFan BearerFan Bearer Creature — Zombie[AKR] | #17 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Anthony Palumbo | commoncommon | Creature — ZombieCreature — Zombie | ------ | ------ | ||
1818 | Forsake the WorldlyForsake the Worldly Instant[AKR] | #18 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Steve ArgyleForsake the WorldlyForsake the Worldly Instant[AKR] | #18 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Steve Argyle | commoncommon | InstantInstant | ------ | ------ | ||
1919 | Gideon of the TrialsGideon of the Trials Legendary Planeswalker — Gideon[AKR] | #19 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---IzzyGideon of the TrialsGideon of the Trials Legendary Planeswalker — Gideon[AKR] | #19 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Izzy | mythicmythic | Legendary Planeswalker — GideonLegendary Planeswalker — Gideon | ------ | ------ | ||
2020 | Gideon's InterventionGideon's Intervention Enchantment[AKR] | #20 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---DaarkenGideon's InterventionGideon's Intervention Enchantment[AKR] | #20 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Daarken | rarerare | EnchantmentEnchantment | ------ | ------ | ||
2121 | Glory-Bound InitiateGlory-Bound Initiate Creature — Human Warrior[AKR] | #21 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---David PalumboGlory-Bound InitiateGlory-Bound Initiate Creature — Human Warrior[AKR] | #21 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---David Palumbo | rarerare | Creature — Human WarriorCreature — Human Warrior | ------ | ------ | ||
2222 | Gust WalkerGust Walker Creature — Human Wizard[AKR] | #22 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jason RainvilleGust WalkerGust Walker Creature — Human Wizard[AKR] | #22 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jason Rainville | commoncommon | Creature — Human WizardCreature — Human Wizard | ------ | ------ | ||
2323 | Hour of RevelationHour of Revelation Sorcery[AKR] | #23 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Raymond SwanlandHour of RevelationHour of Revelation Sorcery[AKR] | #23 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Raymond Swanland | rarerare | SorcerySorcery | ------ | ------ | ||
2424 | Impeccable TimingImpeccable Timing Instant[AKR] | #24 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kev WalkerImpeccable TimingImpeccable Timing Instant[AKR] | #24 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kev Walker | commoncommon | InstantInstant | ------ | ------ | ||
2525 | In Oketra's NameIn Oketra's Name Instant[AKR] | #25 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Nils HammIn Oketra's NameIn Oketra's Name Instant[AKR] | #25 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Nils Hamm | commoncommon | InstantInstant | ------ | ------ | ||
2626 | Mighty LeapMighty Leap Instant[AKR] | #26 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Sidharth ChaturvediMighty LeapMighty Leap Instant[AKR] | #26 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Sidharth Chaturvedi | commoncommon | InstantInstant | ------ | ------ | ||
2727 | Oketra the TrueOketra the True Legendary Creature — God[AKR] | #27 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Chase StoneOketra the TrueOketra the True Legendary Creature — God[AKR] | #27 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Chase Stone | mythicmythic | Legendary Creature — GodLegendary Creature — God | ------ | ------ | ||
2828 | Oketra's AttendantOketra's Attendant Creature — Bird Soldier[AKR] | #28 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Lake HurwitzOketra's AttendantOketra's Attendant Creature — Bird Soldier[AKR] | #28 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Lake Hurwitz | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Bird SoldierCreature — Bird Soldier | ------ | ------ | ||
2929 | Oketra's AvengerOketra's Avenger Creature — Human Warrior[AKR] | #29 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Anthony PalumboOketra's AvengerOketra's Avenger Creature — Human Warrior[AKR] | #29 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Anthony Palumbo | commoncommon | Creature — Human WarriorCreature — Human Warrior | ------ | ------ | ||
3030 | Overwhelming SplendorOverwhelming Splendor Enchantment — Aura Curse[AKR] | #30 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Richard WrightOverwhelming SplendorOverwhelming Splendor Enchantment — Aura Curse[AKR] | #30 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Richard Wright | mythicmythic | Enchantment — Aura CurseEnchantment — Aura Curse | ------ | ------ | ||
3131 | Protection of the HekmaProtection of the Hekma Enchantment[AKR] | #31 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Ryan Alexander LeeProtection of the HekmaProtection of the Hekma Enchantment[AKR] | #31 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Ryan Alexander Lee | uncommonuncommon | EnchantmentEnchantment | ------ | ------ | ||
3232 | Renewed FaithRenewed Faith Instant[AKR] | #32 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Wesley BurtRenewed FaithRenewed Faith Instant[AKR] | #32 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Wesley Burt | uncommonuncommon | InstantInstant | ------ | ------ | ||
3333 | Rest in PeaceRest in Peace Enchantment[AKR] | #33 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jarel ThreatRest in PeaceRest in Peace Enchantment[AKR] | #33 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jarel Threat | rarerare | EnchantmentEnchantment | ------ | ------ | ||
3434 | Sacred CatSacred Cat Creature — Cat[AKR] | #34 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Zezhou ChenSacred CatSacred Cat Creature — Cat[AKR] | #34 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Zezhou Chen | commoncommon | Creature — CatCreature — Cat | ------ | ------ | ||
3535 | SolemnitySolemnity Enchantment[AKR] | #35 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Greg OpalinskiSolemnitySolemnity Enchantment[AKR] | #35 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Greg Opalinski | rarerare | EnchantmentEnchantment | ------ | ------ | ||
3636 | Solitary CamelSolitary Camel Creature — Camel[AKR] | #36 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Aaron MillerSolitary CamelSolitary Camel Creature — Camel[AKR] | #36 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Aaron Miller | commoncommon | Creature — CamelCreature — Camel | ------ | ------ | ||
3737 | Steward of SolidaritySteward of Solidarity Creature — Human Warrior[AKR] | #37 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Sara WintersSteward of SolidaritySteward of Solidarity Creature — Human Warrior[AKR] | #37 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Sara Winters | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Human WarriorCreature — Human Warrior | ------ | ------ | ||
3838 | Sunscourge ChampionSunscourge Champion Creature — Human Wizard[AKR] | #38 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Josu HernaizSunscourge ChampionSunscourge Champion Creature — Human Wizard[AKR] | #38 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Josu Hernaiz | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Human WizardCreature — Human Wizard | ------ | ------ | ||
3939 | Supply CaravanSupply Caravan Creature — Camel[AKR] | #39 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Nils HammSupply CaravanSupply Caravan Creature — Camel[AKR] | #39 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Nils Hamm | commoncommon | Creature — CamelCreature — Camel | ------ | ------ | ||
4040 | Tah-Crop EliteTah-Crop Elite Creature — Bird Warrior[AKR] | #40 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Raoul VitaleTah-Crop EliteTah-Crop Elite Creature — Bird Warrior[AKR] | #40 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Raoul Vitale | commoncommon | Creature — Bird WarriorCreature — Bird Warrior | ------ | ------ | ||
4141 | Those Who ServeThose Who Serve Creature — Zombie[AKR] | #41 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Volkan BaǵaThose Who ServeThose Who Serve Creature — Zombie[AKR] | #41 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Volkan Baǵa | commoncommon | Creature — ZombieCreature — Zombie | ------ | ------ | ||
4242 | Trial of SolidarityTrial of Solidarity Enchantment[AKR] | #42 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Daniel LjunggrenTrial of SolidarityTrial of Solidarity Enchantment[AKR] | #42 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Daniel Ljunggren | uncommonuncommon | EnchantmentEnchantment | ------ | ------ | ||
4343 | Unconventional TacticsUnconventional Tactics Sorcery[AKR] | #43 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jason FelixUnconventional TacticsUnconventional Tactics Sorcery[AKR] | #43 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jason Felix | uncommonuncommon | SorcerySorcery | ------ | ------ | ||
4444 | Vizier of DefermentVizier of Deferment Creature — Human Cleric[AKR] | #44 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Deruchenko AlexanderVizier of DefermentVizier of Deferment Creature — Human Cleric[AKR] | #44 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Deruchenko Alexander | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Human ClericCreature — Human Cleric | ------ | ------ | ||
4545 | Vizier of RemediesVizier of Remedies Creature — Human Cleric[AKR] | #45 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Randy GallegosVizier of RemediesVizier of Remedies Creature — Human Cleric[AKR] | #45 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Randy Gallegos | uncommonuncommon | Creature — Human ClericCreature — Human Cleric | ------ | ------ | ||
4646 | Wrath of GodWrath of God Sorcery[AKR] | #46 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Titus LunterWrath of GodWrath of God Sorcery[AKR] | #46 | Rare | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Titus Lunter | rarerare | SorcerySorcery | ------ | ------ | ||
4747 | Aerial GuideAerial Guide Creature — Drake[AKR] | #47 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Sidharth ChaturvediAerial GuideAerial Guide Creature — Drake[AKR] | #47 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Sidharth Chaturvedi | commoncommon | Creature — DrakeCreature — Drake | ------ | ------ | ||
4848 | Ancient CrabAncient Crab Creature — Crab[AKR] | #48 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---James PaickAncient CrabAncient Crab Creature — Crab[AKR] | #48 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---James Paick | commoncommon | Creature — CrabCreature — Crab | ------ | ------ | ||
4949 | As ForetoldAs Foretold Enchantment[AKR] | #49 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Tommy ArnoldAs ForetoldAs Foretold Enchantment[AKR] | #49 | Mythic | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Tommy Arnold | mythicmythic | EnchantmentEnchantment | ------ | ------ | ||
5050 | Aven InitiateAven Initiate Creature — Bird Warrior[AKR] | #50 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jakub KasperAven InitiateAven Initiate Creature — Bird Warrior[AKR] | #50 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Jakub Kasper | commoncommon | Creature — Bird WarriorCreature — Bird Warrior | ------ | ------ | ||
5151 | Cartouche of KnowledgeCartouche of Knowledge Enchantment — Aura Cartouche[AKR] | #51 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kieran YannerCartouche of KnowledgeCartouche of Knowledge Enchantment — Aura Cartouche[AKR] | #51 | Common | Price: --- | Foil price: ---Kieran Yanner | commoncommon | Enchantment — Aura CartoucheEnchantment — Aura Cartouche | ------ | ------ | ||
5252 | CensorCensor Instant[AKR] | #52 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---John StankoCensorCensor Instant[AKR] | #52 | Uncommon | Price: --- | Foil price: ---John Stanko | uncommonuncommon | InstantInstant | ------ | ------ |